Watermill Gallery

The Watermill Gallery is an art gallery and historic site located in the Embankment district of New Keeleon. The gallery occasionally puts on curated shows organized by the Keeleon Artistry Society of Tarteria.   When not hosting art shows, the gallery has a selection of small artifacts, paintings, and exhibits on Keeleon history.


The Watermill Gallery is an old watermill and warehouse on the bank of the Rexun River. It was originally constructed when the orcs first repopulated this place in the Fifth Age, which has been refurbished and repurposed into an art gallery.   The space retains elements of the building’s industrial past, such as the water wheel and central warehouse space. Though the water wheel mechanisms have been removed, the slow, deep creaking of the large water wheel itself can be heard around the gallery. The walls of the structure are made of red, dark clay bricks that were created from clay harvested from the nearby Rexun River. The walls have not been repainted and keep their original “rustic” look. The gallery is split into a central main gallery, a side gallery, and a small staff room.   The main gallery has two added display gallery walls that are painted white, in addition to pieces that can be mounted on the natural walls of the room. These added walls visually separate the gallery into three sections, all of which are visible from the gallery entrance. Magical lanterns attached to the ceiling produce light in the area, and there are glass orbs on moveable arms that can be adjusted to focus the light onto the various display pieces.   The side gallery is the old furnace area of the mill. A wooden beam ceiling was added in to block the air funnel to the buildings closed chimney. There was no added gallery wall space here; pieces in the side gallery are mounted directly onto the brick walls. There is a magical lantern in the ceiling, though there is no focusing apparatus.   The staff room functions as a storage area for the gallery's pieces not on display, or as a holding area for submitted artworks before showings. The gallery has a selection of small artifacts, paintings, and exhibits on Keeleon history, though some of these were destroyed or damaged by magical fire on 16 Adroth 5A 352.   There is a simple sign out front of the building. Hors d'oeuvres and champagne were served during gallery showings. The staff of the gallery wore white shirts with gold ties.

Art Showings

"Temperance and Peace" Showing
On 26 and 27 Madaet 5A 352, the Keeleon Artistry Society of Tarteria put on a curated art show here on the theme of "Temperance and Peace". The showing involved both the main and side galleries. The following notable pieces were on display during this event:  
  • "Work #34: Drackhan Tundra Landscape", by Chaka
  • "Paint No Mountain High Enough", by Argilla, son of Kla
  • “Where the Red Cockspur Grows”, by Uro Grilmara
  • "Suor Shesh", by Gline, daughter of Leir
  • An art piece that included a depiction of the World Tree
  "History and Heroes" Showing
On 16 Adroth 5A 352, the Keeleon Artistry Society of Tarteria put on a curated art show here on the theme of "History and Heroes". The showing involved both the main and side galleries. The following notable pieces were on display during this event:  
  • "Masterwork Painting of the Great Phoenix", by Chaka
  • "Work #53: Pa Gathering Firewood", by Chaka
  • "Another Brick in the Wall", by Argilla, son of Kla
  • “Tor Mimba, Tarteria”, by Tolkk, son of Gahn
  • “Lighting Doravelzog”, by Gline, daughter of Leir
  • “Grieving Sigil”, by Amelie Halle
  • "The Battle of Broken Homes", by Uro Grilmara


The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
The original watermill was constructed when the orcs first repopulated this area early in the Fifth Age. It was made from bricks formed from clay harvested from the nearby Rexun River.   As New Keeleon quickly blossomed, the city’s population eventually overgrew the small mill. Due to the relative size of the structure being overshadowed by the growing needs of the city, the milling and infrastructure of the city were moved elsewhere. Eventually, as outsider interest in orcish customs grew, it would be repurposed into a museum of the city’s history and an art gallery for orcish crafts and artistry.   On 27 Madaet 5A 352, Chaka attended the showing. He overheard conversation that indicated an important patron from the Commandment of Sky Guildhall was expected to attend the "Temperance and Peace" showing, however they had not been seen publicly for some time.   On 14 Adroth 5A 352, Argilla brought the Lightbringers to the Watermill Gallery after a battle on the riverside. There was an extra guard presence in place as preparations for the “History and Heroes” showing were underway.   On 16 Adroth 5A 352, Chaka’s masterwork painting of the Great Phoenix was submitted to the gallery by Argilla and Al’phonas. Around this same time, Romulus used his druidic magic to send a squirrel towards the gallery. The squirrel was shooed away by the guards.   Several of the Lightbringers entered the gallery to attend the "History and Heroes" showing, while the others were stationed nearby. The showing was interrupted when Shur and several cultists attacked and stole the Great Phoneix painting. The Lightbringers defeated most of the cultists and pursued Shur as he fled.   After the attack, the rest of the "History and Heroes" showing was cancelled. All bids on artworks were cancelled and the gallery was closed while it underwent repairs.   On 17 Adroth 5A 352, Chaka met with Al’phonas outside the Watermill Gallery, where Al’phonas paid him and Chaka provided the Great Leviathan painting.
Art gallery
Parent Location
Related Report (Secondary Locations)
Desecrated Hills   Continent
Tarteria   Plane
Material Plane