Azimuth 2 - Session 23 - Acid and Fire

General Summary

Northern Orcish Plains

Emerging Ankhegs
As yelling continued, Chaka, Ilmendwyth, and Mortimr heard the approaching sound of moving earth and felt the ground begin to tremble. Jumping to action, Chaka inspired Ilmendwyth with art sketches of trees. Ilmendwyth could tell several tunneling creatures approached; he jumped onto the driver seat of one of the wagons and called out to the group.   A pair of ankhegs covered with black stains erupted from tunnels beneath the group. One attacked Romsca and another picked Mortimr up from the hole he was in. Captain Ruslan called out to the group and the party jumped to respond.   One ankheg sprayed acid on the clerics. As Demitri and the caravan guards attacked, smaller ankheg youths emerged from the new tunnels and swarmed the party. Gertrude smashed one with her hammer, seemingly killing it, but with a sickening twitch, it continued to assault them.   The other ankheg held Mortimr in immediate danger. Chaka channeled his magic, an electric Green Flame Blade, and attacked with his warhammer. Gertrude rushed in alongside him, and Ilmendwyth shot from the wagon. With arrows from Arwin, the ankheg was slain. Romulus then used Cinis to teleport the gnome to safety.   As he healed Mortimr, Romulus moved back towards camp. He saw Leena peering out from a tent at the battle. She said the magic the minotaur used was cool, and he replied, “Yeah, it was pretty sweet. Are you possessed?” She said that was a big word.  
The Alpha
As the battle continued, Ilmendwyth still felt the approaching, largest tremor closing on them. A massive alpha ankheg erupted from ground. It sprayed a line of acid on Romsca, Gertrude, and Demitri, and more small ankheg youths followed from the tunnels.   Romsca was caught in the center of the fray. She attempted to maneuver away but was caught by the alpha. She was knocked unconscious and the ankheg lifted her off the ground in its mandibles.   In reply, Romulus summoned a giant elk to charge into the alpha. Demitri still held the green ring, so he moved away from the melee towards the road. This allowed Gertrude to rush in and get a hand onto Romsca and heal her.   Though Romsca went down again, Mortimr used a spell to make the ankheg think the gnoll was molten hot iron. Arwin shot an arrow into the alpha’s mandible, and it dropped Romsca. Quickly, Romulus used Cinis to teleport her away to safety, and she stood and healed herself.   The group rained damage onto the alpha. Gertrude connected with a massive swing of her hammer. The strike broke the creature’s back, killing it and sending ichor all around. As it died, it let out a trilling screech, and the last ankheg youth fled to the tunnels. It did not get far, though, as a final spell from Romulus shook the earth and collapsed the ground onto it.  
Grass-Cloaked Orcs
The party took stock in the seconds after the battle ended. From the east side of the roadway, near to where Demitri stood with the ring, several figures emerged from the tall grasses. They were orcish, armored figures, with thatch grass cloaks.   The leader of their group saw the ending moments of this combat, stating his surprise in orcish. Demitri quickly cast a spell to fully comprehend the words, and as their eye’s met, the figure said, “Hold, hold! Friendlies!”
Report Date
03 Jan 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Related Time
10 Adroth 5A 352