Azimuth Anthology: Alarming Farming Festival 1

Azimuth Anthology Series

General Summary

Brace of Spades Tavern

In late 5A 351, Borga Gorehide, Duggg Duddins, E'larus, Róvhén Tinugalad, and Tanya Applebough helped escort a merchant through the Northern Orcish Plains to Bridon Tillage.   Arriving in time for the Harvest Home festival on 22 Sedaena 5A 351, the group participated in various festival activities around the town. That evening, the group ate a second dinner at the Brace of Spades tavern. As Tanya was a local folk hero, the group did not need to pay for the meal.   They discussed their activities during the day. They also asked themselves if they would continue to work together and what else they may want to accomplish. Tanya was worried what might happen to Bridon Tillage if she left. Róvhén asked if there was no one else willing to fight, and Tanya answered the town didn't have many guards that stuck around.   A drunk Releg Cirin smacked into their table and began talking with the group. Though Tanya and Borga were quickly annoyed, E'larus tried to set him right. When he took another drink, Róvhén used Minor Illusion to make Releg see a burst of fire, and he tumbled into Borga. She threw him upright and away.   Releg mentioned that rogue magics that often accompanied him were the reason he was in Tarteria. He was looking for a powerful orc druid rumored to be somewhere in northern Tarteria who might be willing to train him. The mention of the orc druid caught Róvhén's attention, but Releg started becoming abrasive. When the group suggested he take it easy on the drinks, he challenged the group to a drinking contest and put a coin purse on the table.   Tanya wanted the coin to help the town and Róvhén wanted more information about the druid, so the group agreed to the challenge. Everyone participated, and Róvhén, E'larus, and Duggg used magic to cheat. Releg didn't seem concerned with the use of magic, and he used Wild Shape to turn into a polar bear.   After several rounds of drinks, Tanya won the contest, outdrinking the bear. She took the gold and split it between the group. As further payment, Releg told them the rumors he had heard about the orc druid.   After the contest, Releg stumbled away towards the maypole in town and transformed into a badger to dig a burrow in a turnip field down the road. The party eventually retired to their rented rooms.  

Spicy Turnips

In the morning they were awoken by yells and shouts for assistance coming from the street. Rushing outside into a drizzle, they saw several injured townsfolk and overturned carts. Following the commotion, they found villagers under attack from strange, large turnip-like creatures.   They rushed to battle to save several villagers outside the Britches and Hoes store, the Leabrace Homestead, and along the Fieldway Road.   E'larus created an aura of twilight and healing for the group. Tanya and Borga rushed forward into melee, and Róvhén and Duggg cast spells at range. The turnips quickly shifted their focus to the group. As they were cut down they released strong scents which burned the group's eyes and sinuses.   They defeated many of the creatures and saved most of the townsfolk. However, Róvhén lost control of his magic, and a necromatic burst instantly killed a villager outside the Leabrace Homestead.   As the battle continued, they could feel a large rumbling coming from the turnip field. Borga rushed up and saw many holes where turnips had seemingly emerged and a large sinkhole in the center of the field. The ground rumbled and from the wrecked field a huge turnip emerged. Clamboring up from the sinkhole also came a polar bear with a black, oozey covering on its head.   They recognized it was Releg's polar bear form, and the substance on his head seemed to be causing his druidic energy to affect his surroundings. Borga and Tanya rushed forward and tried to pry the black substance off the druid, but they could not do so without also hurting Releg.   After more attacks, they incapacitated Releg and the creature fled the downed druid. Tanya and Borga tried to kill it but it seemed resistant to their attacks, until Duggg destroyed it with a large lightning strike.  

A Hole New Problem

With the creature killed, the energies stopped spreading and the remaining turnip creatures became docile. The large turnip was extremely curious, picking up and turning over first Borga and then Tanya. With some gentle coersing, they guided the turnip back to the field and with a Dancing Lights spell from Róvhén, settled it back into the ground.   In the aftermath, E'larus ran up and healed the druid. Releg seemed confused and delirious, but was somewhat aware of what had transpired. E'larus said Releg was to blame and convinced him the villager that died was his fault.   The large sinkhole seemed to lead to some kind of tunnel or system that connected to the Underdark. They identified the black creature as a Brain Hood, which normally preys upon cave bears and seemed to have gotten confused with the animal form of Releg. Somehow this caused his druidic magics to become more unstable.   Falamin Leabrace came out of his homestead at the commotion where he saw the body of the dead villager. The man had been an attendant to the homestead, and Falamin was sorry to see him killed.   After the group quickly filled him in, Falamin demanded that Releg stay in town to fix the mess he was inadvertently involved with. Falamin then offered to compensate the group if they stuck around and helped repair the damage. With the large hole still in the turnip field leading to the unknown, the party agreed to stay and help.
Report Date
12 Jul 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Related Time
22 Sedaena 5A 351 to 23 Sedaena 5A 351