Borga Gorehide

Half-Orc Barbarian, Outlander

"That's why I hit you in the face with my axe."
Borga Gorehide is a half-orc barbarian who appears in Azimuth Anthology: Alarming Farming Festival 1 and Azimuth Anthology: Alarming Farming Festival 2. She is played by L.M.



Borga is a half-orc with a light green coloration and prominent tusks. She stands around six feet tall and has a muscular build common for half-orcs. She has long, dark black hair which she wears in an elaborate braid across the front, which gives the appearance of a headband.   She wears a hide armor and tunic, which is stitched together and well worn. She has applied several fixes to the armor herself, giving it a mended look. The armor is mostly natural tan colors, and there are several bloodstains that do not wash out, which show as rusted brown and mottled.   She wears a catoplebas jawbone necklace and her ears are pierced with boar tusk gauges. She wields a greataxe, which she keeps on her back, and two handaxes, one on each hip.


Borga is quiet, independent, and somewhat reserved. Before the Turnip Tillers, she did not have many consistent interactions with others, which causes her to be very direct with her language. She is aggressive and powerful, and she shows little hesitation about pursuing a dangerous path or entering dangerous situations.   Her inexperience with social situations can cause her to become easily shocked or flustered by the attention of others. This was seen when Releg Cirin winked at her, and again when her thoughts about being underground were shared across a telepathic link to the others in her group.   Borga is uneasy in enclosed spaces, as seen when the group was in the tunnels of the Underdark.



Borga is from the northern regions of Tarteria and she has a homestead that she maintains. She spends much of her time in the wilds and forests of the region.   At some point before 22 Sedaena 5A 351, Borga secured and left her home and met the other members of the Turnip Tillers where she helped escort a merchant through the Northern Orcish Plains to Bridon Tillage.

Azimuth Anthology: Alarming Farming Festival 1

On 22 Sedaena 5A 351, Borga attended the Harvest Home festivities at Bridon Tillage. Borga tried various sweets and delicacies, like flan and mulled wine, which were difficult to come by near her home.   That evening, Borga had second dinner at the Brace of Spades tavern along with Duggg, E'larus, Róvhén, and Tanya.   A drunk Releg Cirin smacked into their table and began talking with the group. Borga became annoyed as he spilled wine on her and bumped bodily into her. She was also flustered when his kilt came undone and tossed the man away from her.   Releg challenged the group to a drinking contest, and Borga participated. Borga was startled when Releg transformed, exclaiming, "Polar bear!" After the contest, the party eventually retired to their rented rooms.   The next morning, on 23 Sedaena 5A 351, they were awoken by shouts from the street. They found villagers under attack from strange, large turnip-like creatures.   Borga rushed forward with Tanya into melee. Borga damaged several turnips, smashing one into pieces in the street. When the large turnip and Releg emerged, Borga immediately rushed in. She and Tanya were able to remove the black creature from Releg's bear form and chase it before Duggg destroyed it.   After the battle, Borga was picked up and held by the large turnip until Tanya distracted it. After they were both released, Tanya offered to stay in town to help repair the damage and Borga said she would help.

Azimuth Anthology: Alarming Farming Festival 2

As the group helped around Bridon Tillage, Borga helped Tanya with heavy manual labor tasks, like the repair of Falamin's Fence. Borga also patrolled the sinkhole, where she defeated several giant insects and a stirge.   On 25 Sedaena 5A 351, they were summoned by Falamin Leabrace, meeting Releg and Theryn, a mercenary, there. They were asked to investigate the tunnels below to find the source of the continuing tremors in town. While gathering supplies for the trip, Borga purchased additional rations. She searched for health potions, but there were no such supplies in town.   The group descended into the hole and began exploring. Borga took to the front of the group with Tanya. She looked for creature tracks, but there were so many it was hard to determine the best direction to follow.   When they encountered the myconids in the tunnels, Borga was cautious and somewhat uneasy in the enclosed space. E’larus shared his enhanced darkvision with her. After seeing Tanya enter the myconid spore cloud to no ill effect, Borga also entered. As a result, she found she could telepathically communicate with the group and the myconids.   As Red and Blue shared details of the danger ahead, Borga asked where the danger was. Blue said it was deeper in, towards their Fungal Nursery. Borga quickly agreed to help after learning of the danger. When Theryn was resistant, Borga tried to convince him by asking if he wanted to return through the tunnels alone.   At the Fungal Nursery, E’larus blessed Borga before she drew her weapon and cautiously approached. The floating grimmlet creatures noticed her, and they blasted her with prismatic energy. As combat broke out, Borga raged and started attacking the grimmlets, but they were resistant to her weapon damage. Avoiding the mushroom patches, she engaged two in combat, holding the left flank with the aid of Blue. Though she took severe damage, her orc heritage kept her standing and she was able to smash several grimmlets during the fight.   After the combat, Borga helped remove the grimmlets and debris from the mushroom patches, earning the myconids’ appreciation. The need for someone with knowledge of natural energies to maintain the sealed gate was discussed, and Borga suggested Releg.   Back in town, the group reported to Falamin and Releg. After Theryn told Falamin about the group being affected by strange spores, Falamin gingerly poked Borga with his cane before deciding she was fine. Borga joined Releg, Tanya, and Róvhén back to the nursery. She told Releg to “be nice to Blue and Red.”   Falamin asked the group to report the events to a dragonborn in nearby Porgorag. Borga agreed to continue traveling with the group, and on 26 Sedaena 5A 351, they set out along the Belltree Road.

Character Information


On 25 Sedaena 5A 351, the Turnip Tillers accepted a quest from Falamin Leabrace to explore the Underdark beneath Bridon Tillage to learn the cause of the continuing tremors in town. At a Fungal Nursery, the group encountered a planar gateway. They defeated the creatures coming through and sealed the gate, ending the tremors.   They later agreed to travel to Porgorag to report this to a young dragonborn and to seek out a rumored orc druid to further aid the town.


  • "That's why I hit you in the face with my axe." - AA 03.1
Character Type
Player Character   Actor

Aligned Organization