Tanya Applebough

Stout Halfling Ranger, Folk Hero

"That's me, toughest in town."
Tanya Applebough is a halfling ranger who appears in Azimuth Anthology: Alarming Farming Festival 1 and Azimuth Anthology: Alarming Farming Festival 2. She is played by I.W.



Tanya is short for a halfling, standing around two and a half feet tall. She is described as very curvy with a very athletic build. She has thick, dark brown hair which she wears partially tied up in a half ponytail. Her skin tone is very suntanned, and she has a few freckles which dot the bridge of her nose. Her eyes are big and hazel colored.   Her clothing is well made and comfortable while also being very practical. She has a leather chest guard and her arms are covered at the shoulder and forearms. She also wears a long orange scarf.   She has two shortswords on her right hip. She has a shortbow crafted from an apple tree branch. Around her wrist is a wrapped sling, which is sometimes mistaken as a bracelet or cord of leather.   Though she possesses some magical capabilities, Tanya does not know their origins, as they manifested very recently in her life.


Tanya is a very outgoing and friendly person. She often appears helpful and can be seen giving her all to Bridon Tillage. She often tries to be helpful and will go out of her way to provide assistance, even at personal cost.   Her sword skills are self-taught, and she spends much of her time training to meet the expectations of the town's residents.   She appears comfortable and confident when it comes to ales and drinking. This was shown during the drinking contest with Releg Cirin, where she was able to outdrink his polar bear form.   However, she appears uncomfortable with her growing reputation around her hometown. This was shared during her confession to Róvhén Tinugalad, where she felt she couldn't talk to the other villagers in the same way as before.



Around 5A 330, Tanya was born the elder of two children of the Applebough family in Bridon Tillage.   Around the time she came of age, Tanya volunteered to help keep the village safe from wild animals and roving bandits. During this time, most of what Tanya did was chase off boars and other animals that could ruin the fields.   At some point, a gang of bandits came through. Alone against them, Tanya drove off the bandits, however their leader stayed. Neither willing to back down, Tanya was forced to take her first life to protect the village, cutting the bandit leader’s head from his shoulders. Since that time, she's been considered a local hero in town.   Tanya moved into an empty apple storage barn on her family property that wasn’t being used, and converted it to her living space. Using the open area inside, Tanya made a scarecrow training dummy and an archery target out of a hay bale to continue practicing.   At some point before 22 Sedaena 5A 351, Tanya met the other members of the Turnip Tillers and helped escort a merchant through the Northern Orcish Plains to Bridon Tillage.   During the travel, Tanya noted that the tents for E'larus and Róvhén were "loud" at night.

Azimuth Anthology: Alarming Farming Festival 1

On 22 Sedaena 5A 351, Tanya attended the Harvest Home festivities at Bridon Tillage. The Applebough family provided baked candied apples, and Tanya gave some to Róvhén.   That evening, Tanya had second dinner at the Brace of Spades tavern along with Borga, Duggg, E’larus and Róvhén. As Tanya was a local folk hero, the group did not need to pay for the meal.   During their conversations, Tanya was worried what might happen to Bridon Tillage if she left. Róvhén asked if there was no one else willing to fight, and Tanya answered the town didn't have many guards that stuck around.   A drunk Releg Cirin smacked into their table and began talking with the group. Tanya became annoyed as he was rude to the staff and was wasting food and ale, and she tried to get the man to leave the table by offering a different chair.   Releg challenged the group to a drinking contest. Tanya wanted the coin to help the town, and agreed to the challenge. Everyone participated and after several rounds, Tanya won. She took the gold and split it between the group. She planned to give her portion to the town.   The party eventually retired to their rented rooms. The next morning, on 23 Sedaena 5A 351, they were awoken by shouts from the street. They found villagers under attack from strange, large turnip-like creatures.   Tanya rushed forward with Borga into melee. Tanya damaged several turnips, but took pity on one that seemed to be crying and unwilling to fight. When the large turnip emerged, Tanya immediately rushed it. She and Borga were able to remove the black creature from Releg's bear form and chase it before Duggg destroyed it.   After the battle, Tanya tried to get the large turnip to put Borga down, but was picked up instead. After she was released, Tanya learned a villager had been killed. She explained the situation to Falamin Leabrace and she offered to stay and help around the town, as the large sinkhole was still in the turnip field.

Azimuth Anthology: Alarming Farming Festival 2

As the group helped around Bridon Tillage, Borga helped Tanya with heavy manual labor tasks, like the repair of Falamin's Fence. Tanya also patrolled the sinkhole, where she helped Borga defeat several giant insects and a stirge.   On 25 Sedaena 5A 351, they were summoned by Falamin Leabrace, meeting Releg and Theryn, a mercenary, there. They were asked to investigate the tunnels below to find the source of the continuing tremors in town. Theryn shared the rumors he heard of the halfling mentioned she was taller, and Tanya said the stories about her are often exaggerated.   While gathering supplies for the trip, Tanya purchased a healer’s kit from Britches and Hoes.   The group descended into the hole and began exploring. Tanya took to the front of the group with Borga. She listed for the sounds of creatures, and heard a strange thrumming in the tunnels. She suggested they follow the path with the most sounds.   When they encountered the myconids in the tunnels, E’larus shared his enhanced darkvision with her. Tanya snuck forward and saw the creatures were sending out a spore cloud but didn’t seem hostile. After the groups were alerted to each other, Tanya called out to the myconids. To lower tensions, Tanya entered the spore cloud. She felt the effects and found she could then communicate telepathically with the myconids, which tried to calm her through the process.   As Red and Blue shared details of the danger ahead, the rest of the group, save Theryn, entered the spores as well. Tanya quickly agreed to help after learning of the danger to their kind. When Theryn was distrustful and hesitant, Tanya said he could head back and she wouldn’t hold it against him.   At the Fungal Nursery, E’larus blessed Tanya and she drew her swords. After combat broke out, Tanya rushed forward to try to approach the strange portal. She was attacked by several grimmlets, and she was knocked down. Unconscious, she felt the source of the thrumming, snoring sound on the other side of the gateway before she was healed by E’larus.   Tanya attacked the tendrils coming off the portal, which helped prevent the spread causing the tremors. After seeing the spell energy from Róvhén and Duggg start to close the portal, she rushed to occupy the grimmlets in combat.   After the combat, the myconids asked Róvhén where his energy came from. When he answered, Tanya recognized “Coe Naneth” as an elven name for Gaia, The Allmother. The need for someone with knowledge of natural energies to maintain the sealed gate was discussed, and Tanya was concerned that may mean Releg would be stuck here.   Back in town, the group reported to Falamin and Releg. Tanya shared her belief the portal was a connection point to Nadiria, the Plane of Darkness, and she joined Releg back to the nursery. On the way, Tanya asked Róvhén more about his magic and how it may relate to her own.   Falamin asked the group to report the events to a dragonborn in nearby Porgorag. Tanya also said she would try to find the rumored orc druid to further help the town. Tanya agreed to continue traveling with the group, and on 26 Sedaena 5A 351, they set out along the Belltree Road.



Tanya Applebough is the elder of two children of the Applebough family. Her family consists of farmers, but have had the hopes of creating an orchard for the small village. Tanya's mother hopes for grandchildren.   Currently, they only have around a dozen trees, mostly situated in the yards of the family houses. They have each one grafted to produce three different kinds of apples, with the main plant being the one that can withstand the Tartarian environment.

Character Information


On 25 Sedaena 5A 351, the Turnip Tillers accepted a quest from Falamin Leabrace to explore the Underdark beneath Bridon Tillage to learn the cause of the continuing tremors in town. At a Fungal Nursery, the group encountered a planar gateway. They defeated the creatures coming through and sealed the gate, ending the tremors.   They later agreed to travel to Porgorag to report this to a young dragonborn and to seek out a rumored orc druid to further aid the town.


  • "I like home. What are they going to do if I leave?" - AA 03.1
  • "That's me, toughest in town." - AA 03.1
  • "I can’t sit by and ignore someone asking for help." - AA 03.2
2023 Character Art provided by I.W.
Character Type
Player Character   Actor

Around 21
Date of Birth
Around 5A 330
Aligned Organization
2023 Character Art provided by I.W.