
Earth Genasi Prophet of Regression

Beburos is an earth genasi who appears in Azimuth Campaign Two. He is the leader of the Prophets of Regression seeking to bring about a cult following of the Primordial Elementals. He is an NPC played by M.B.



At some point "decades ago" from 5A 352, Beburos approached the other genasi, Maalik, Azariel, and Nabat.   Both Beburos and Maalik’s Patron seemed to be sources of rare information on items called the Severance Siphons and the Severance Keys.   Eventually, the Prophets became the power running the Tarterian Traders from behind the scenes. They were the money and force behind the gathering power in the organization's guildhalls.   5A 351
Prior to Jeran 5A 351, the spell circle in the Chamber of Titles was used to create the Great Leviathan Bearing Stone using the Unsigned Painting of the Great Leviathan provided by Beburos.   In mid-Jeran 5A 351, the four Prophets headed north to the Leviathan Sea and defeated the Great Leviathan. Witnesses spoke of strong elemental spells in the Leviathan Sea before the waters went silent and calm. Maalik’s journal said it took everything the four of them could provide. They claimed the Leviathan's Severance Key.   On 22 Jeran 5A 351, the genasi passed back through Porgorag headed southwards. This was the first time Gim Gorod saw Beburos, referring to him as "the grim one".   On 2 Avedar 5A 351, four “interestingly colored” people had been seen entering Red Lake. The Prophets used the Severance Key and caused an unexpected interaction with an elemental fount. As a result, Chedae's light was blocked from the lands of Tarteria.   5A 352
In early Adroth 5A 352, Talmid recieved a written letter from Azariel, which included, "Beburos went to find some extra insurance for the next attempt. He’s expecting us to be ready when he returns."  

Campaign Two

Session 37 - Petals, Paintings, Pasts
On 16 Adroth 5A 352, the Lightbringers activated the communication sigil in the Chamber of Titles. Azariel and Maalik spoke with them, until they suddenly reacted and looked towards the earth gemstone of the network. With sudden meekness from both of them, Maalik said a quiet, “We’ll fix this,” and Azariel grunted an affirmation. They both dropped from the communication and their stones went dark, leaving only static.
Character Type
Non-Player Character   Actor

Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations