
Water Genasi Prophet of Regression

"Tell us where the ring from the caravan is. Some of you might get to live."
Azariel is a water genasi who appears in Azimuth Campaign Two. He is one of the Prophets of Regression seeking to bring about a cult following of the Primordial Elementals. He is an NPC played by M.B.



Azariel is a genasi man with green skin and blue hair held in dreads that fall behind his shoulders. He has a sharp, angular face with pointed ears, strong cheekbones, and a thick blue goatee.   There are three white lines that run from his forehead, over his right eye, and down to his neck. These appear to be paint or makeup of some kind.   He wears a thick, dark brown leather trenchcoat-style jacket. He has a large, multilayered necklace consisting of many small bone-like trinkets.   As a member of the Prophets of Regression, he had a tattoo on his hand.


Azariel was a man seemingly filled with anger and rage at all times. He was aggressive and abrasive when communicating. Despite his anger, he seemingly could control the rage, though it appeared to always be on the verge of boiling over.   He was not seen to be mindless. He showed understanding of others' capabilities and specialities. He also seemed willing to attempt diplomacy, which was seen when he tried demanding the Lightbringers hand over the Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring. However, Azariel's diplomacy relied heavily on threats and coercion.   Azariel seemed to be a hands-on type of leader. According to Talmid, he preferred to meet his underlings in person when possible. His was a very different style compared to Nabat; there was a large culture clash from Nabat's followers when he took over the Commandment of Sky Guildhall.   Despite Azariel demanding loyalty from his followers, he showed very little care about their well-being. He was willing to order the assassination of those that were hindering the Prophets' goals, which was seen when he sent Talmid to murder Gim Gorod and his seeming willingness to kill Talmid after he was captured.



At some point "decades ago" from 5A 352, Beburos approached Azariel and he joined the Prophets of Regression. Azariel's role was the muscle behind their operations, both for movement and transport, as well as threats and influence.   Eventually, the Prophets became the power running the Tarterian Traders from behind the scenes. They were the money and force behind the gathering power in the organization's guildhalls.   At some point, Azariel approached Talmid, and he worked as a caravan escort captain, transporting goods between the guildhalls of the Tarterian Traders . Secretly, this was a cover to allow Talmid to work as an assassin on behalf of Azariel.   At some point, Talmid approached Al'phonas Muchaelas repeatedly in an attempt to purchase the Unsigned Painting of the Great Behemoth.   5A 351
In mid-Jeran 5A 351, the four Prophets headed north to the Leviathan Sea and defeated the Great Leviathan. Witnesses spoke of strong elemental spells in the Leviathan Sea before the waters went silent and calm. They claimed the Leviathan's Severance Key.   On 22 Jeran 5A 351, the genasi passed back through Porgorag headed southwards.   On 2 Avedar 5A 351, four “interestingly colored” people were seen entering Red Lake. The Prophets used the Severance Key and caused an unexpected interaction with an elemental fount. As a result, Chedae's light was blocked from the lands of Tarteria.   After that, Nabat was gone. Azariel took over the Commandment of Sky Guildhall.   5A 352
On 4 Madaet 5A 352, Gim Gorod received a message from Azariel , indicating that Nabat was gone and the Santeem Republic aid caravan needed to be secured.   Around 14 Madaet 5A 352, Talmid met Azariel in Kievs and delivered a black box. This was witnessed by Borli Gwathagoldrin. Shortly after this, Talmid killed Borli and sent his severed head to Mortimr Gwathagoldrin's apartment with a note reading "Toe the Line".   In early Adroth 5A 352, Talmid recieved a written letter from Azariel, which read, "Maalik’s replica will arrive soon, and then we can try again. And if it’s not powerful enough, Nabat was working on finding one of the other three. See if you can continue that work. We don’t have all the pieces to repair the Leviathan’s Key, not unless we get the crown to crush the rebellion and take Her new pet down first. Beburos went to find some extra insurance for the next attempt. He’s expecting us to be ready when he returns. – Azariel"

Campaign Two

Session 37 - Petals, Paintings, Pasts
On 16 Adroth 5A 352, the Lightbringers activated the communication sigil in the Chamber of Titles. Azariel and Maalik spoke with them.   When the sigil first activated, Azariel was in the Dispensary in Kievs. He said, "What now, Talmid? Your report better be good– Who the hell are you?"   Chaka lied, saying he was a prisoner. Azariel said, "Do me a favor and kill Talmid. He’ll be dead when I get my hands on him anyway."   Azariel asked if Maalik recognized the Lightbringers. He addressed the party with barely controlled rage. He said, “Here’s your one deal. Tell us where the ring from the caravan is. Some of you might get to live.” The group rejected the offer.   Urgently, Maalik asked Azariel, “Is the broken piece of the key in the workshop. She cannot have another one.” He replied it was not.   Demitri said, “It’s very interesting. It seems we have the thing that you want, yet you don’t offer anything to sweeten that deal.”   Azariel replied, “You don’t particularly value your life, then.”   Maalik and Azariel suddenly reacted and looked towards the earth gemstone of the network. With sudden meekness from both of them, Maalik said a quiet, “We’ll fix this,” and Azariel grunted an affirmation. They both dropped from the communication and their stones went dark.


  • "Here’s your one deal. Tell us where the ring from the caravan is. Some of you might get to live." - 2.37
Character Type
Non-Player Character   Actor

Current Location
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations