
Oozes are a category of gelatinous creatures, which are usually amorphous and lack a fixed shape. They are mostly subterranean, dwelling in caves and dungeons and feeding on refuse, carrion, or creatures unlucky enough to get in their way.   Oozes are often unintelligent and singular in their actions. Some are drawn only by survival instincts or the need to consume, moving towards prey in a mindless fashion. The origin of oozes is unknown, however some spellcasters have been known to create oozes to protect their property or function as a “living garbage disposal.”

Notable Oozes

Campaign One: Zenethian Heroes

  • Ivan, the Oozemaster: Through unknown means, as Ivan aged his physical form began to change. It is not known what may have caused this transformation to occur, but as a result Ivan became more ooze-like in appearance and nature.

List of Oozes

  • Bloodfire Ooze
  • Grey Ooze


The Fourth Age: The Age of Shadow
4A 996
In 4A 996, the Zenethian Heroes entered Birdsong Tower, where they encountered several Bloodfire Oozes holding keys they needed.  
The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
5A 352
On 31 Madaet 5A 352, Romulus and Romsca fought a Grey Ooze that ate away a sewer grate entrance and emerged in the Darksteel Foundry in Porgorag.   On 2 Adroth 5A 352, the Campaign Two party encountered several Grey Oozes in the storage manor of the Hero Hunters Facility in Porgorag. The party learned that the oozes were travelling throughout the city's sewers.   On 3 Adroth 5A 352, the Campaign Two party entered the sewers of Porgorag and were ambushed by several Grey Oozes. Later on, at the Spring of the Natant Yew, they battled more Grey Oozes that were drawn towards their combat with several fiends.


Campaign One: Zenethian Heroes

  • Arc 8: Towards Esturk, The World's End: Bloodfire Ooze.

Campaign Two: Lightbringers

Ooze   Planes
Material Plane   Known Locations