Azimuth 2 - Session 0.4 - Fighting in the Foundry

General Summary


Arrival by Road
Romulus walked the Black Marsh Road eastward, heading towards the port town of Porgorag. He had received a letter from Borscha Brickwell of the Darksteel Foundry asking for a wilderness guide, and she had heard of Romulus through reputation.   Over the last 7 to 8 months, Romulus had seen the area around the Demons' Blood Marshes and the village of Gimoruk change steadily for the worse. With supplies and funds running low, he chose to take this job and departed for the coast.   As he went along the Black Marsh Road and the Orc Highway in the continuing rain, Romulus's thoughts were occupied with the differences between the greenery and signs of fauna of the Northern Orcish Plains compared to the tainted area of the Marshes.   As he reached Porgorag on 31 Madaet 5A 352, he viewed the great Statue of Grupe at the southern entrance to the city. He sent word ahead to the Darksteel Foundry via a chipmunk, and he headed into the city. He went to the Yew Well. There, he set himself on the ground under the canopy of the large yew tree to sell some of his wares and rest from his travel.  
The Ash Forge
In the Ash Forge of the Darksteel Foundry, Romsca, Smelter of Ingots, worked alongside the staff under Ambera Lightbraid. Ambera was working the staff hard and all the forges of the Foundry were operating, which was unusual. Despite the hectic pace, Romsca worked hard to keep up turning slag into ore.   During the work, Ambera approached and inspected Romsca's work. Seeming to meet her approval, Ambera offered Romsca water. Romsca asked what the quota for today was, and Ambera said she didn't have clearance yet to say, but the Foundry would be losing employees soon and she wanted to get ahead of the curve. She encouraged Romsca to keep up her work.   They were then approached by Vitibuk, another dwarf member of the Foundry. Vitibuk told Romsca that Borscha Brickwell was looking for her, and he left. Romsca said she would make up the time and headed towards Borscha's office.   Borscha was waiting on the threshold of her office. She said that she was looking to see if the needed carriages had arrived yet. Borscha had an errand for Romsca to run. She had sent word for a wilderness expert to increase the manpower for the caravan, and she needed Romsca to go retrieve them from Porgorag. Borscha wanted to send Romsca in case the minotaur was more comfortable in beastcommon.  
The Yew Tree
Outside the Foundry, Romsca saw a number of orcish people near to the entrance. They seemed agitated and when they noticed Romsca, one approached and began accosting her with questions about the upcoming caravan. The man seemed angry that the caravan was not being distributed in town and was being sent southward. Romsca tried to speak back but was quickly talked over, and she ran from the scene.   At the base of the Yew Well, Romsca found Romulus who had set up a makeshift shop with a number of trinkets from the Demons' Blood Marshes on display. They noticed some similarities between them, like each having an affinity for fire and crafts. Romsca said she was from the Hands of Ore and was supposed to escort Romulus back to the Foundry.   Romsca cast Identify on the objects Romulus had on display. While most were non-magical, one stood out to her: a Coin of Delving. Romulus thanked her for the information and packed up his items. Romsca led the way back to the Foundry taking a longer way to avoid the crowd she previously encountered.  
Fighting in the Foundry
In the central yard of the Foundry, there was a sudden commotion when two creatures erupted from the residence facility sewer access. A gray ooze creature and a monstrous creature of fangs and claws broke through the sewer grate and immediately began to chase after the crew and donkey in the yard. A panic broke out and Romulus and Romsca jumped into action.   Romsca ran up to the fleeing crew and put herself in the way of the slathering beast. She summoned a Spiritual Weapon and distracted it while the crew fled into the Ash Forge. Ambera called out, ordering Romsca to kill the creature, then she shut the doors to protect the crew. Romulus summoned an orb of fire and moved to intercept the ooze as it moved towards the donkey tied nearby. He summoned the fiery form of Cinis and used him to help distract the beasts from the crew.   Both took damage from these creatures as the ooze lashed at Romulus and the maw creature bit into Romsca. Though Romsca went unconscious, they were able to kill both creatures, which began dissolving into sludge and ichor. Romulus recognized the way the bodies dissolved after they were killed; it was the same way demons dissolve when they are slain.   Romulus healed Romsca and she awoke to Borscha rushing up to aid her to her feet. Romulus introduced himself as the guide Borscha had sent for. They helped Romsca up, and Borscha brought them to her office.  
The Incoming Caravan
Borscha thanked them for their assistance. Borscha offered to hire Romulus for his aid with the caravan and he signed a contract with the Hands of Ore. She offered to replace Romulus's pickaxe and shovel as reimbursement for the battle, and also gave him a health potion. She said that Romulus would be welcome to stay at the Foundry for the night as well.   Borscha discussed the caravan that would arrive tomorrow and its purpose. She told Romsca that she was sending her along with as well as a representative of the Hands of Ore. Romsca didn't believe she was capable, but Romulus reassured her. Romsca had been working with the guild for a number of years, and Borscha wanted this to be an opportunity for Romsca to prove herself. She provided a written letter giving Romsca the authority to represent the guild alongside the caravan.   The Hands of Ore needed the caravan to go well, which is why Borscha requested Romulus and appointed Romsca to it. She said the Tarterian Traders had a stranglehold on the economy and the Hands of Ore had been fighting for an opportunity like this to increase standing and legitimacy for years.   Borscha also said that the carriages she had requested for the caravan still had not arrived. She arranged for them through the city's coinguard, Gim Gorod, after they finished work with the Yellow Quay. Gim Gorod had seemed hesitant for the Hands of Ore to handle the caravan, but she said these would be problems for tomorrow.   Borscha also asked for discretion regarding the battle in the Foundry's yard. Romsca asked why the citizenry of the Westfield district were not receiving anything from the caravan. Borscha said the purpose of the caravan was to provide supplies, but their contract was to deliver the goods to New Keeleon and not distribute it in town.   Back outside, Romulus gathered a small sample of the residue from the ooze, but gathered mostly sand and gravel. Romsca showed Romulus to the residence facilities and then returned to the forge. Ambera tried to turn her away but Romsca continued her interrupted work. During this, Romsca saw that Ambera was intently watching her, seemingly concerned with her health. Afterwards, she returned to her bunk.   In the morning of 1 Adroth, the continuing rain broke and the Foundry started to make itself ready for the arrival of the incoming caravan later that day.
Report Date
19 Sep 2022
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Related Time
23 Madaet 5A 352 to 1 Adroth 5A 352