Hero Hunters Facility

The Hero Hunters Facility is the primary guildhall for the Hero Hunters guild. It is located in Porgorag, in the Queendom of Keeleon.   The Hero Hunters are an adventurers guild that works with the many mercenaries and do-gooders that are drawn to Tarteria. The guild is run by Haugon, son of Goll.


The Hero Hunters Facility is located in the Grupe's Row section of Porgorag. It is a grouping of four buildings once called the Red Manors. The main entrance to the facility is a gated entrance off the south side of Second Square.   The gate entrance leads into a huge courtyard with a number of adjoined buildings and structures. All the buildings of the facility have vibrant red roofs and appear to be similar in design. There is a small walkway leading to the facility's main manor. The pathway is flanked by a number of stone statues of various creatures, including an owlbear, bebilith, beholder, and dire wolf.

Haugon's Residence

Haugon's Residence is a stone and wooden manor with a dark-stained double door, which is locked with a series of mechanisms. The interior foyer is mostly red in color and is well furnished and highly decorated. Ornate tapestries, metallic figurines, and red-gold statuettes can be seen.   Off from the main foyer is a dining area largely silver in color and decor. There is a long table with a silver table runner, with a number of high-backed, dark oak chairs surrounding it. The table is decorated with a fruit basket and silver candelabras. Along the back wall are a number of bookshelves, one of which opens to a hidden passageway.   There are a number of meeting rooms on the first floor of various sizes, including the largest one referred to as "the Gold Room".  

Abandoned Storage

On the far side of the facility is a building that appears out of use. It is the repurposed manor of Haugon's allies, Farink and Phaidra Brunel.   After their deaths, the manor was largely packed away. As the Hero Hunters guild needs grew, the foyer was repurposed into a storage area for crates, boxes, and materials, before eventually it was fully sealed up. Parts of the building have been damaged with time and one room had collapsed to the basement.

Notable People

Haugon, son of Goll: The old orc leader of the Hero Hunters guild.
Coletta: Haugon's halfling assistant.


The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
On 21 Drimon 5A 299, the Oknar of Porgorag granted the Red Manors to Haugon's adventuring group, the Hero Hunters, for capturing the cultist Kruset the Bugbear.   On 29 Avedar 5A 303, the Hero Hunters Facility was attacked in the night by Kruset. Haugon's friend Avodac was killed and his friend Phaidra was captured.   In the evening of 1 Adroth 5A 352, the party gathered outside the Hero Hunters Facility. However, it was late enough that the facility appeared closed and they planned on returning later.   In the morning of 2 Adroth 5A 352, the party met with Haugon, son of Goll, in his manor. They discussed the aid caravan and negotiated a trade with Haugon, who agreed to provide a number of covered wagons in exchange for the party's aid clearing out one of the storage areas of the facility. Inside the storage building, the party battled small demons and ooze creatures. After the fighting, they discovered the creatures had dug into the basement from the sewers, and they sealed the tunnel entrances to the manor. Most of the party returned to Haugon's manor and reported to him before leaving. Meanwhile, Romulus and Ilmendwyth dug through the collapsed tunnel to access the city's sewers.   In the morning of 3 Adroth 5A 352, Arwin and Mortimr saw Coinguard Gim Gorod enter the facility.   Later that morning, the party saw Gim Gorod leaving. They met with Haugon and discussed their success in the sewers. Haugon provided them a reward and provided another request should they head westwards.
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
Related Report (Primary Locations)
Northern Orcish Plains   Continent
Tarteria   Plane
Material Plane