Azimuth 2 - Session 09 - Befouled Waters

General Summary


Before resting, Romsca returned to the warehouse in the Darksteel Foundry docks to recover her discarded shield and hammer, then went to the Ash Forge. Ambera Lightbraid was working along with a full-capacity late shift. Ambera was running the crew longer hours to make up the difference in production output that Romsca’s absence created.   Ambera could tell something was bothering her. Romsca asked if she thought she was doing the right job by going with the caravan. Ambera talked with Romsca in a blunt fashion and encouraged her to not stay stuck in place at the Darksteel Foundry. She told her to “get your yellow ass out of the Foundry, get some friends you can rely on, and then go fucking learn, Romsca.” Before leaving Romsca, Ambera helped set her up to forge.   Romsca forged a set of darksteel arrowheads before retiring to her quarters.  
That night, Mortimr had a nightmare where he committed many “unspeakable acts” which repeated until he was losing himself in it. Then, they were dulled and muted in a pink haze that spoke gently to him. From this, Mortimr felt a sense of gratitude, relief, and concern from something else in this space, before he drifted to a dreamless sleep.  
Darksteel Foundry
The party awoke before sunrise and ate a hearty breakfast supplied from the Foundry’s cafeteria. Captain Ruslan joined them and said he would be up and ready for when the covered wagons arrived. He would make sure the other members of the caravan would help get the wagons loaded and ready, while the party ventured into the sewers.   Romsca spoke with Arwin and gave him the darksteel arrowheads she had crafted. Romsca admitted she was more focused on her own goals. In return, Arwin gifted her a whittling knife. Arwin apologized, saying, “Let’s move on today.”   The group discussed their plan for the day, and if it was more beneficial to return to the sewer entrance in Westfield or use the accessway in the Foundry. Deciding to not tread unknown territory, they chose to head out of the Foundry towards Westfield. Before leaving, they locked the black box with the Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring in a safe in Romsca’s quarters.  
City’s Sewers
On the way in the pre-morning twilight, the party noticed several sets of guards posted at sewer entrances in the City Center district. However, there were no such guards posted in Westfield.   At the sewer entrance Romulus previously marked with pink and blue flowers, they removed the rusted grate and entered the sewers. Romulus cast Pass Without Trace to aid the party’s stealth, and Ilmendwyth led the way.   Getting back as far as they had previously scouted, Ilmendwyth heard the sounds of other things in the sewers. Romsca cast a protective spell on Mortimr, and Ilmendwyth, Gertrude, and Arwin prepared their equipment before they continued on.   Reaching a series of intersections, they noticed several large amphibians and rodents in the tunnels. They were covered in growths or boils, and seemed in pain. Arwin also noticed what appeared to be a humanoid body and got close enough to see it was alive, but also had these growths.   The group debated if they should put these things out of their misery, but elected to try to not risk a larger fight. Stealthily, they tried to continue by without alerting the creatures, but as Mortimr and Romsca moved into a side tunnel, Gray Oozes hanging on the ceiling dropped on them suddenly. The other beasts in the sewers reacted to the sounds and lights of combat and were drawn into battle.   Romsca, Mortimr, and Ilmendwyth held back the oozes in the pathway ahead. Demitri, Chaka, and Gertrude killed the Giant Rats, which exploded into bile and puss, and Demitri and Chaka were poisoned. At the same time, Romulus kept the Giant Frogs at bay, pulling them away from the others.   The humanoid body stood up. It had a bulbous, fat stomach, and it ambled towards the group. Once it was close, it erupted in a burst of puss and bile that coated Demitri and Ilmendwyth.   After the last of the beasts were slain, they waited tensely as the echoes faded. Nothing else seemed to notice them. Ilmendwyth and Romulus recovered their stone ammunition. Arwin looked at the exploded orc’s body but found nothing useful.   Chaka used Prestidigitation to clean up the bile from everyone while Romsca cast a healing ritual. During the time they waited and cleaned themselves up, Romulus’s mind caught on the similarities between the befouled water and bile here to the tainted corruption of the Demons' Blood Marshes.
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2 Adroth 5A 352 to 3 Adroth 5A 352