
Tabaxi are a rare race on Azimuth. They are a feline race of humanoids known for their cat-like abilities and keen senses.



Tabaxi have feline heads, resembling big cats such as panthers and jaguars. Their bodies are covered in fur and posses cat-like hands and feet with retractable claws, as well as tails. Tabaxi from cold environments typically have thicker fur.


Tabaxi are typically taller than humans, standing between 6 and 7 feet tall. Most are relatively slender for their size, averaging around 145 pounds.   Tabaxi have lifespans equivalent to humans, reaching adulthood in their late teens and living less than a century.


Early history and supposed creation

The tabaxi race is assumed to have been created as all were during the First Age: The Age of Creations by the gods that set forth their will during this time. If there was some greater role they were to play or a singular god that crafted them, it has been lost to time and to the Severance.

Additional History

After the Great War, the land of Cascada was sent into the sea and separated from the rest of the Gimora continent. Though a section of the Kingdom of Gimora attempted to maintain itself here under the guidance of the Zenethian Champion Ruin, the destruction caused here left the land unstable. It would be plagued by continued earthquakes and tremors, and the small nation of humans would never fully develop.   After the fall of Cascada, the tabaxi were well suited to rise to prominence in the region. While the tabaxi of the Forest of Plenty have done well in this time, the clans left behind in Gimora in what is now the Dry River Desert have not fared so well. A resentment has grown between the two, leading to high tensions in the region.


The catlike tabaxi are an agile, witty, and playful folk who have long lived in their homeland, which is now a part of the land of Cascada. They are natural hunters with keen senses and predatory instincts. Wandering tabaxi are catlike humanoids driven by curiosity to collect interesting artifacts, gather tales and stories, and lay eyes on all the world's wonders. Ultimate travelers, the inquisitive tabaxi rarely stay in one place for long. Their innate nature pushes them to leave no secrets uncovered, no treasures or legends lost.   They are deft at crafts, hunting, and commercial enterprises, many tabaxi find themselves drawn toward an entrepreneurial existence, while some fall naturally into the more dangerous pursuits of an adventurer's lifestyle. Tabaxi are also well known for their social guile.   The tabaxi homeland is centered around the Forest of Plenty, which was once part of the larger Gimora continent before the Great War, when Esturk, The World's End, clawed The Rend and sent the land of Cascada into the sea. Cascada would become a region of earthquakes and tremors, fated to lose the fledgling human kingdom that remained here in the Fourth Age.   Most tabaxi remain in their distant homeland, content to dwell in small, tight clans. These tabaxi hunt for food, craft goods, and largely keep to themselves among the dangers and frequent earthquakes of Cascada. The catlike tabaxi are well suited to survive in this environment due to their feline grace and dexterity.   Due to their curious nature and tendency to wander, some tabaxi clans can be found farther afield from their ancestral homes, content to stand out among the other folk of those larger nations. Tabaxi can be found in small numbers throughout Azimuth and are generally well thought of.   Due to their natural curiosity and desires to wander and learn, many tabaxi tend towards the worship of Morounin, The Learned-Lady, the Goddess of Knowledge. Others lean towards Gaia, The Allmother, as Cascada is a place rife with natural energies and the holy place of Angioletta's Temple is found there.

Tabaxi in Gimora Major

Small tabaxi clans can be found in places like the Leys Forest of Burland, the Kingdom of the North. The city of Endor, the First Mountain, is popular for travellers of all types, and tabaxi can be found among the city's many levels.

Tabaxi in Gimora Minor

The tabaxi homeland is centered around the Forest of Plenty in the land of Cascada. Few other races make their home here in large numbers and the tabaxi have become the dominant culture here.   When the The Great War split Cascada from the rest of the Gimora continent, the Ruined Coast and The Rend separated some tabaxi tribes from their homes. Like most civilization in this region, the sections of the Forest of Plenty here were destroyed or withered away as the climate changed into what is today the Dry River Desert. Some tabaxi clans adapted to the desert and can be found here. They are often at conflict with their cousins in their homeland, resentful for the hand that fate dealt them.

Tabaxi in Tarteria

In Tarteria, tabaxi can be seen in and among the greater populations of major cities, like Kievs and New Keeleon. Their natural dexterity and stealth make them sought after as scouts, spies, and pilferers.   There are rumors of a small clan of tabaxi that live among the wilds of the Fareukev Wilderness, somehow protected from the natural energies that run amok in this old and wild forest.

Tabaxi in Northwest Seas

The wild Lesovo Jungle in the Northwest Seas is said to house a tabaxi clan, though they are said to be wild creatures at odds with the other denizens of the jungle.
Humanoid   Size
Medium   Age of Adulthood
Around 20   Lifespan
Around 80 years   Average Height
Between 6 to 7 feet   Average weight
Between 150 and 175 pounds   Fur color
Variety of colors from browns, blacks, whites, and earthen tones   Planes
Material Plane   Primary Locations
  • Cascada
  • Fareukev Wilderness