The Augurs

The Augurs are a collection of religious monuments in the city of New Keeleon. They are a set of eight religious totems for each of the eight Dragons made of large shards of clay, each displaying the symbology and iconography of a respective Dragon. Though there are individual shrines and temples to some of the Dragons nearby in the city, the Augurs are of religious importance to the pantheon as a whole.


The Augurs are built over a long and deep clay pit with visible water and earth pooling at the bottom. Over the top of this hole is a lattice of iron and steel, and set into the lattice are large square glass tiles that connect to form a solid walkway. The entire area of the Augurs is forty feet across.   On the edges of this are eight large shards of stone and clay. Visually, they appear to resemble jagged and angular pieces that form a singular whole, like the shards of a broken vase set apart from each other. Each shard is fifteen feet high and on the inward face of each is displayed the symbology and iconography of one of Azimuth's eight Dragon gods. Offerings are often left at the base of the shards.   In the center of the Augurs is a small dais platform. On the surface of this dais is a floral design with eight petals which point outwards towards the eight large shards surrounding it.


The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
In the evening of 27 Madaet 5A 352, Chaka came across Kelwin's Magical Toys and Concocted Wonders parked nearby the Augurs. He met the Auglosilf family, and and he agreed to travel northwards with them as a guard. He also discovered Mortimr Gwathagoldrin hidden amongst the carriage.   On 14 Adroth 5A 352, the Lightbringers passed through the Augurs. They examined the clay shards, and at Esturk's shard, they found small clay figurine left as an offering by Nedurr, the Mud Mage.   Before leaving, several of the group left their own offerings and prayers. Demitri left a copy of the "“Fox of Bonmalo and the Tower Heist" and Romsca left an art piece at Morounin’s shard. Captain Ruslan prayed at Avianor’s shard. Gertrude prayed at Chedae’s shard. Chaka prayed at Barduumus’s shard.   After this, the group had a battle against several Mudmutts on the bank of the river nearby to the shrine.
Parent Location
Related Report (Primary Locations)
Desecrated Hills   Continent
Tarteria   Plane
Material Plane