The Ninefold Tribunal

The Church of Tamamo-No-Mae, the Kitsune Queen


The tribunal is the Church of Tamamo and enforces the dictates and tenets of her faith. It is their responsibility to determine when crimes of faith occur, when one's faith falters, or when creatures, groups, or even cities need to be brought back into line in Tamamo's name.   The tribunal is a group similar in power to the Kitsune Council, the governing political body of The Eastern Imperium, but it instead has no counterpart in other vassal territories of The Eastern Imperium, and instead permeates it entirely. Though it technically is a part of Tamamo's church and not the state, these things are essentially the same in the Imperium, and as such their word is just as much law as the Kitsune Council's.   It is ruled by a single ruling figure who holds the position "Imperator", who leads with a second-in-command, a 'Cardinal Vicar', chosen from among the ranks of the church's most faithful and noteworthy followers. Below them are the Bishops, Deacons, and Priests, who gather to elect a new Cardinal Vicar or even a new Imperator when the position becomes vacant, though the final test of a new Imperator is being accepted by Tamamo herself. This Imperator makes every day to day decision for the entire church, deciding upon interpretations of the tenets, matters of faith, and countless other rituals. Their word is law in the church, and they have command of all the church's resources and armies at their disposal.

Public Agenda

The Ninefold Tribunal is dedicated entirely to the protection and expansion of Tamamo-No-Mae, The Kitsune Queen's faith as much as it is to the continued protection and longevity of The Eastern Imperium, the country in which it exists and is bound to.

Divine Origins

The Ninefold Tribunal's origins can be traced back to the founding of The Eastern Imperium, where the Kitsune Queen Tamamo-No-Mae created the country after the end of The Unification War and made herself the new Goddess of her new country...and in doing so, made herself Tamamo-No-Mae, The Kitsune Queen, Goddess of the entire Imperium.   It was then that The Ninefold Tribunal was founded as the church to the Kitsune Queen, as well as a Governmental Entity to exist alongside the Kitsune Council. Where the Kitsune Council managed the government and country itself, the Tribunal managed the laws of the church and handled any and all crimes of religion such as heresy or blasphemy or more...this agreement has thus stood for centuries since the country's founding.

Tenets of Faith

All things in Order. Eliminate Chaos wherever it is found and bring Order in its place. Stand in defense of Order and those who ascribe to it, even if either are unjust.
Obedience and Adherence. Give obedience where it is due, adhere to the Order of society, and bring change slow but true. Live well in this life to be rewarded in the next.
Plot and Plunder. Advance your agendas subtly and ruthlessly - others are pawns in the game of your ascension. Crush and squash he who steps foolishly out into the open.
Secure your Dominion. Protect that which you own, govern, or control at all costs. Look after your homefront before all else, and never do wrong by those who answer to you until they give you cause.
Foster Monstrosity. True perfection lies beyond the bounds of a normal existence - nurture monsters where they can be found, teach them the ways of The Dominator, and help them overcome their nature.
Birthrights are supreme. Those born with power stand above the common rabble. Foster, nurture, and respect the seeds of sorcery, bloodlines, and mighty birthrights of all kinds and cultivate power through inheritance - such is the mark of true nobility.


To the Ninefold Tribunal, no act is greater than servitude, rulership, and embracing absolute law...and likewise, none is more sinful than disobeying the law or going outside the bounds of one's station or rank. As the tenets of their goddess say, those of the Tribunal believe in absolute, rigid obedience to the social circumstance or event is ever an exception to this rule, as it is their firm belief that these acts of absolute loyalty and adherance to the law will purify and cleanse their souls, and directly reward them in their next life. Believing in the concept of reincarnation, the faithful believe that through these acts, through loyalty and adherence to the tenets of their faith and those of the Tribunal, they will be rewarded in their next life through being reborn as better toiling for a lifetime as a Commoner, for example, many believe that their reward is birth as a Noble in their next life.   Likewise, the disrespect of monsters, inhumans, or other monstrous creatures who demonstrate the capability and/or willingness to be introduced into society is seen as a flagrant sin against Tamamo-No-Mae herself, and even if such a beast simply wishes to live in ignorance away from civilization, they are to be left alone if possible and only killed if absolutely neccesary.   This is not to say, however, that the Tribunal does not allow its members to rise in rank and station...indeed, the nature of politics lies at the very core of the Tribunal itself. Its members constantly bicker and debate over which actions and doings constitute legal and approved ways to scheme and politic, what is off limits and what is not...rising to better oneself and ascend one's station is seen as a pious act, but doing so flagrantly and in blatant violation of other laws is not. It is a fine line to walk, and a constant subject of debate within the work to overthrow one's enemies and destroy them politically is admirable so long as it is done through politics and subtle machinations...if blatant acts are to be done, one must be sure their alibi is foolproof, and the game of politics works in their favor.   Though it is a subject of some debate, Kitsune lie at the very heart of the Tribunal. They are above everything within the church...and while they are not exempt from its laws, they are treated as royalty within the church and given incredibly wide and generous allowances that non-Kitsune of their station never receive. They are shown incredible favor and often rapidly rise through the ranks of the church, and to deny them this or to disrespect, offend, assault or hinder one is a sin of the highest order.   Similarly, nobility is everything within the Tribunal, as well. Often, one's social rank and standing as well as their political influence directly correlates to their rank within the Tribunal, and in concordance with the Tribunal's Priesthood, they are to be obeyed absolutely as one's betters.   The Tribunal's members universally strive to seek out and find the seeds of sorcery wherever they can be found...and while many hotly debate how they should be sought and what treatment they should get when they are found, the Tribunal seeks out sorcerers and other Sorcerous Items or Artifacts and collects them, while Sorcerers and trained and given ever possible opportunity to master their innate power. Though many debate what this should entail, sorcerers nonetheless receive wonderful treatment within the Tribunal.


There is no better way to pray within the Tribunal than that of Politics. Political Machinations and Politics of all kinds is seen as a direct prayer to Tamamo-No-Mae, The Kitsune Queen, as is the accumulation of political, social, and personal influence and power. The act of rising in the social hierarchy itself is pious and holy to the Tribunal and its faithful, and while traditional prayers are given, they are generally done as thanks for a successful political maneuver or when the gift of Sorcery is discovered to inhabit one of the faithful.   A common everyday ritual practiced by the faithful is bowing nine times at the ninth hour of the day, bowing in nine different directions while praying for success in the day's politics.


There are nine total ranks within the Tribunal, and they operate in accordance with a strict power structure where the faithful are ranked according to their individual faith and competence as much as they are on their social and political influence. It is a place where lessers always obey and please their betters, while commanding and ruling their lessers in turn. In the tribunal one's position is paramount and sacrosanct, and all are required to follow a strict social code.   Even within the ranks of the church, the lessers politic and scheme to take one another's positions, but the exceptions to this are the ranks of Imperator and Cardinal Vicar...these positions are elected based on both competence, loyalty, and political and social influence, and are often taken from the other high ranking positions, giving members incentive to rise in the ranks.   These ranks are given below, with Imperator being the highest rank and Footmen being the lowest.  
  1. Imperator
  2. The Cardinal Vicar
  3. Cardinals
  4. Archbishops
  5. Bishops
  6. Priests
  7. Deacons
  8. Foxgloves
  9. Footmen
  The Imperator's term is a lifelong one, but the Cardinal Vicar is elected from the ranks of the Cardinals once every decade to keep fresh eyes on the Imperator. The other positions do not expire and stay with a creature for life or until promotion or demotion.   Currently, the Position of "Imperator" is held by the Rune Giant Matron known as Mislith Nirrus, who has served the church of Tamamo for nearly two centuries as the Imperator and Defender of Tamamo's faith. She is so unbelievably powerful that she rapidly ascended to lead the church once Tamamo saw fit to persuade her into serving her.   She is a terrifying and awe-inspiring leader known for her overwhelming power as well as inspirational and charismatic speeches that can instill hope or despair in almost any crowd. She is almost universally respected as the greatest herald of Tamamo and proof of their goddess's divine charisma, powerful enough to persuade a legendary rune giant over to her faith and proof of the truth of her tenets of peace between monsters. She is also seen by many as the "Goal" Tamamo speaks of that lies at the end of the cycle of reincarnation, the 'perfect life'.

Granted Divine Powers

The Tribunal believes that the chiefmost power granted by Tamamo-No-Mae, The Kitsune Queen is that of Sorcery. Bloodlines and Arcane power that flows from within is considered a granted power of hers, but otherwise her blessings most often come in the form of fertility for one's crops and a wonderfully blessed harvest, a more powerful spell, or a sudden and rapid influence in one's personal/social/political power.

Political Influence & Intrigue

To the Tribunal, politics are co-mingled with the very core tenets of its faith. The Tribunal cannot exist without politics, and in The Eastern Imperium where the organization has its roots, it is completely unified with the political fabric of the country, unified with the country itself and has basically become Church and State both. The members of the Tribunal, likewise, universally permeate the political landscape of wherever they go, working to show their devotion to Tamamo-No-Mae, The Kitsune Queen by gaining ever more standing, status, influence, and power...and change the country into a more lawful one where hierarchy is everything. It is incredibly rare to find a member of the Tribunal who refuses politics or does not get involved in them, and is almost never an occurrence.


The enforcement group of the Tribunal is known as the "Holy See", or "The Kamisenshi". They the knights, priests, Paladins, Fighters, and clerics of her faith who take up arms to enforce the words and commands of the Tribunal and of the Imperator. They take orders from the Imperator, but often not directly and instead receive orders from the Archbishop or other lower-ranking members to relieve the Imperator of unnecessary burden. The Imperator decides their main tasks, but the local commanders of the group in a given area are the ones who dispatch them to enforce things.   The Kamisenshi often work alongside the Town Guardsmen or the Akheishi in the Imperium to enforce and prosecute those who break laws of a religious nature, commit crimes on holy ground, or generally commit a crime that is determined to fall under the jurisdiction of the church rather than of the Kitsune Council and the state. They also hold authority to oversee any crimes committed on the holy ground or within the churches of other approved gods within the Imperium, though they generally just oversee such things and allow the priests of those faiths to prosecute their criminals.   The more elite and highly secretive group within the Tribunal, the "Kyu-shin-maru" or "The True Ninth Circle" are a group of elite warriors and clerics of Tamamo's faith commanded directly by the Imperator alone at all times, and are responsible for being the 'Boogeymen' of the church, bringing those who break the tenets of the faith back into line and hunting down and eliminating great enemies of the faith. They are the vicious defenders of the faith, and carry out only the most dangerous or noteworthy tasks.

Unity. Power. Tamamo.

Founding Date
1408 AF
Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
The Tribunal
Parent Organization
Permeated Organizations
Notable Members


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