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Summer Camp 2024 Pledge

Work in Progress

Summer Camp 2024 Pledge document.webp
  Let’s kick off this year’s Summer Camp with two words: New Beginnings. I am now in a new, much larger sanctum, which allows me to expand and stretch my wings, both physically and creatively. My new sanctum home has occupied much of my time in the first half of the year and will continue to need my attention moving forward.
  I will continue to focus on my primary world of Creation while keeping the other Worlds of Nexus close at hand for those prompts that refuse to conform. Summer Camp was my first World Anvil event and my favorite while I was learning how to break articles with unclosed tags. Time to dust off the articles and sift the stubs in preparation for Summer Camp and the homework.  

Homework & Preparation

  My focus for at least the last 6-12 months has been on a new sanctum (home) so I am coming to Summer Camp this year after a lull of creative time and writing. My goal is to press forward with Summer Camp and not get stuck in over preparation. As I look through the homework and reminder assignments the following items are the must haves. I am keeping my eye on Diamond while remembering to chill.
  • Summer Camp Pledge Article
  • Summer Camp Pledge Image
  • Diamond Goal
  • Summer Camp Sheet
  • New World Shadows Beneath


    Shiny Fan Crafted Badges!

    Dewy Diamonds Badge by Strixxline
    A special thank you to the talented Annie Stein , Rin Garnett and Strixxline for Dewy Diamonds, Camp Chill, and these amazing badges. If you want to join the Dewy Diamonds or Camp Chill click the badges above.

    Worlds of Focus


    Summer Camp Sheet


    Event Name

    Summer Camp 2024




    Copper Change
    9 out of 8
    Silver Refuge
    3 out of 8
    Gold Belief
    4 out of 8
    Diamond Decay
    4 out of 8

    All Articles
    20 out of 32

    Copper Change

    8 Prompts
    2 Wild Card Prompts
    Theme Description
    May you live in interesting times.
    - Apocryphal Chinese proverb

      Tumultuous times are interesting moments to set stories in, whether they be due to natural disasters, sickness, conflicts, or others. Characters face unusual challenges, infrastructure breaks down, and society as a whole can change. Change can be big and small—from the size of a small community or city to the entire universe—, and it can be positive and negative. With these prompts, you’ll think about changes that have happened (or are happening) in your world and how people are dealing with them.

    Silver Refuge

    8 Prompts
    2 Wild Card Prompts
    Theme Description
    There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life:
    music and cats.
    - Albert Schweitzer, philosopher and polymath

    Where do you go when everything around you changes? A refuge can be a literal place (like a building or a city), but it can also be anything that keeps you safe or comforts you. The change someone takes refuge from can also be small in the grand scheme of things—sometimes, small changes can have deep consequences on a specific person or group.

    Gold Belief

    8 Prompts
    2 Wild Card Prompts
    Theme Description
    Frisbeetarianism is the belief that when you die,
    your soul goes up on the roof and gets stuck.
    - George Carlin, comedian

    Religious belief is a foundational element for many cultures, but belief doesn't have to be about religion! Beliefs can be about superstition, urban legends and myths, people you believe in, and more. Essentially, anything and anyone that inspires people, for good or ill.

    Diamond Decay

    8 Prompts
    2 Wild Card Prompts
    Theme Description
    All things are subject to decay and when fate summons, monarchs must obey.
    - John Dryden, poet

    Most things decay over time, but, just like all other themes, decay can be understood in a multitude of ways. There's physical decay, but there's also moral decay—both often go hand-in-hand with old organizations, and physical decay can be used as a metaphor for moral decay. And decay isn't always a bad thing - an evil empire might crumble so something better can flourish. Think about how people in your world try to prevent decay too!


    Copper Change

    Prompt 1
    A tumultuous region prone to natural disasters
    Prompt 2
    Natural Law
    An environmental or other large-scale natural disaster
    Prompt 3
    A character who goes through a great change or metamorphosis
    Prompt 4
    A sickness that caused societal upheaval
    Prompt 5
    A document that changed the course of history
    Prompt 6
    A displaced people in your world
    Prompt 7
    Military Conflict
    A conflict that involved a changing environment
    Prompt 8
    A vehicle that, when introduced, caused social upheaval
    Wild Card Prompt 9
    A myth about food
    Wild Card Prompt 10
    A building associated with joy and fun

    Silver Refuge

    Prompt 1
    A settlement considered a refuge
    Prompt 2
    A technology used for defense or protection
    Prompt 3
    A naturally sheltered place
    Prompt 4
    A building considered a refuge against the world
    Prompt 5
    A unit dedicated to guarding someone or something
    Prompt 6
    A personal item that keeps you safe
    Prompt 7
    A tradition that gives comfort
    Prompt 8
    A species with protective anatomy
    Wild Card Prompt 9
    A sub-culture considered larger-than-life by some
    Wild Card Prompt 10
    A charity or other organization focused on doing good

    Gold Belief

    Prompt 1
    A faction of an organization built around belief
    Prompt 2
    A myth, urban legend, or conspiracy theory believed by many to be true
    Prompt 3
    An evil spirit or divine antagonist
    Prompt 4
    A document of spurious or controversial attribution
    Prompt 5
    A relic or symbol of belief
    Prompt 6
    Slang or a language associated with a religion or belief
    Prompt 7
    A leading or high-ranking position in an organization
    Prompt 8
    The practices and ceremonies of worship
    Wild Card Prompt 9
    A settlement that’s known as a party town or pleasure city
    Wild Card Prompt 10
    A hybrid species intentionally bred

    Diamond Decay

    Prompt 1
    A myth or prophecy about the end of the world
    Prompt 2
    A material that is resistant to decay
    Prompt 3
    A profession that is considered dirty
    Prompt 4
    An organization fighting corruption
    Prompt 5
    A tradition that represents moral decay
    Prompt 6
    An animal or plant that feeds on decay
    Prompt 7
    A degenerative disease
    Prompt 8
    A piece of tech that prevents decay
    Wild Card Prompt 9
    A storyteller, author, or bard in your world
    Wild Card Prompt 10
    A geographical region that is expanding

    Article Staging


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    Official Challenge


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