Disciples of Chaos

The Disciples of Chaos comprise an invading force hailing from a realm beyond the reach of Deuslair. Their ranks consist of both zealous devotees and less committed troops. Following their assault on the continent of Herja, they enslaved entire nations from the scorched lands they conquered, forcing them to serve as the backbone of their armies. Only those who survived the brutal tortures and the influence of the god of Chaos were deemed fit for their case, however—which seems to be finding the remains of the “traitorous god” to destroy them, as their god tried in the past. But is this all that's hidden behind their actions? Their ultimate goal is unclear, but as the other two factions wage war, they wait patiently for their chance to strike… Apart from these factions, there are also neutral nations living on The Kartagis Desert. While they struggles to maintain their nonalignment in the face of constant skirmishes with the Scareguards pirates who have laid claim to some of their territories, they are not involved with neither of the Fortress of Dragsa nor the Redoe Alliance. While their neutrality may seem wise in the midst of a chaotic world, it remains to be seen whether it will ultimately serve their best interests. The ongoing conflict may eventually draw them into the fray, forcing them to take sides and abandon their stance of neutrality.


How the Disciples of Chaos Came to Herja

The history of the Disciples of Chaos on Deuslair is so short and simple that it sounds almost fake whenever it's brought up to others, almost as if there's more to them than meets the eye, although it's impossible to tell if someone falsified the records. The Disciples showed up around 60 years ago, which would make it year 690 of Anara's Reign. In just 60 years, they were able to change the entire continent.   It all started in the Kingdom of Gandoa. Their peace was disturbed when a portal to another realm opened at the heart of the Kingdom. Was it the doing of the Disciples? Or was it due to some experiments done within Gandoa? Perhaps it was just a natural occurrence? The origins of this gateway remain uncertain and it would haunt the minds of many to come. From its depths emerged emissaries covered in strange scars—resembling burns, yet their appearance did not match with those caused by either fire or acid. These envoys identified themselves as prophets of the true god of Chaos, embarking on a divine mission to spread the gospel of their deity.   Initially, the emissaries were given hospitality in the court of King Gandoa. As they bore no hostility, they were welcomed as strange but friendly guests, which makes them the perfect tool to fight off boredom for someone of the upper class. For months, they immersed themselves in the lore of the land, eager to learn about the world that lay beyond their portal. Their fascination focused on the myths of creation, the struggle between Order and Chaos when the world was created as well as the geographical intricacies of Deuslair. Despite the genuine attempts of the kingdom's clerics to heal their malformed bodies, the emissaries staunchly refused. They claimed their disfigurements were sacred manifestations of the blessings bestowed upon them by Chaos.   However, the tranquility of this interlude was abruptly shattered on one fateful day. One of the emissaries began babbling strange things about discovering the world of the first fight, tracing the traitorous gods, and claims of finding a god’s bones. He then went together with other emissaries to the king's court and shouts started to echo from the king's chambers. Whatever took place there, they were clearly not reaching agreement. Matters took a darker turn when another emissary ran away with a magical artifact gifted to the king from a far away country. After that, the king issued an oddly grave command—not only to halt the emissaries but to kill them on sight if they got close to the portal. As if he knew something more about the whole situation. Of course, the emissaries were not planning on surrendering. The ensuing skirmish claimed the lives of many guards and most of the emissaries, yet two managed to escape through the portal with the coveted artifact.   The king, seemingly terrified by the events, hastily ordered the closure of the portal. Unfortunately, the mages were not sure how to seal it shut. After weeks of their relentless work their time ran out—a massive army from the Disciples of Chaos emerged from the portal. And then another. And another. And another. Their march became unstoppable. Despite initial resistance, the invaders overwhelmed the defenders, seizing control of the capital within a mere two weeks. The entire kingdom fell in the next month.   Following their swift victory, the Disciples initiated the construction of Wurgar, a formidable stronghold erected by the hands of captive prisoners. Then, when the construction of said stronghold was underway, their sight shifted toward other kingdoms on Herja, which would be conquered next if they dared to stop their mission.   The rest, as the poets like to say, is just history…

Demography and Population


The social classification in Wurgar is straightforward. At the apex of the social ladder sits the absolutely dominant class called the Pandemonium. They are the generals that command the armies and are seen as the sovereigns of Disciples’ realms. Little is known about their exact numbers, as only a select few have traversed into this world.   Below them are the Envoys of Chaos. They are spreading the gospel of God of Chaos.   Following them are the regular citizens and members of the armies. At the bottom there are slaves, with significantly more limitations on their freedoms.   The situation is different in other cities—there are those that have managed to maintain some semblance of sovereignty by succumbing to the Disciples. However, these places are isolated from the rest of the continent so much that a meticulously crafted veil of mystery is starting to surround them…  

Living Outside of Wurgar

To the northwest, remnants of the cities that were invaded and partially destroyed by the Disciples are still inhabited by their original owners, and it's generally considered to be the livelier part of the continent. The only reason they were not completely dominated is because the invaders do not have sufficient forces to occupy and colonize these places according to their own vision. These centers serve as a kind of bridge between the world without Chaos. To the north, and on the coast, there are secret ports hidden between the rocks, allowing the residents of these cities to trade with overseas lands. Going down the map to the southeast, we can find the cities of Darcasuz, Ahar-Ban, and Kaarhozk. The population of these cities in ancient times formed a kind of trade and cultural conglomerate that, in its heyday, led in this region. All the wealth of the cities, developed over hundreds of years was plundered, destroyed, and deformed. Only in the last few years, thanks to gaining partial freedom from the Disciples, have the descendants of these great city builders begun to rebuild the legacy of their ancestors.   About their ancestors, not much is known. There were three culturally diverse communities that spoke a common language. This ensured excellent communication between the Triumvirate and resulted in countless diplomatic possibilities, which, combined with access to the sea and mighty forests, allowed the development of three great city states. However, very little of these cities remain today. The Chaos Envoys wiped out 80% of the population inhabiting these cities. The survivors became suppliers of resources that cannot be found in the deeper parts of the land. The Envoys return from time to time to collect tribute, in honor of the God of Chaos. Worshiping any religion not assimilated into the teaching of Chaos is strictly forbidden. Nevertheless, the cities have underground spaces where chosen elites can hide, away from the prying eyes of the Disciples. Mages and descendants of legendary warriors are a part of these unions. Some even say that the cities are somehow connected… and there are underground governments, consisting of heirs to the crowns of the city.  

Partisan Movement

However, the greatest freedom lies to the far east, in Kaarhozk. Dubbed by some as the “Forest Bridge,” its name is derived from the fact that it has always been nestled between the plains and one of the largest forests in the region. A forest so impenetrable that not even the Chaos envoys venture into it. It is not precisely known how many inhabitants lead their lives in the forested areas. What is known is that these areas are exceptionally dangerous. On the outskirts, one can often find the so-called “Crimson Hedgehogs,” the corpses of slain creatures pierced by dozens of arrows. Some consider it a secret resistance movement, while others believe it to be the only civilization in the land untouched by Chaos. One thing is certain—they are not willing to leave their forest just yet. Tales circulate about magnificent ports supposedly located on the eastern edge of the woods. About cliffs housing mighty shipyards that produce the finest vessels on the entire continent. How much truth lies in these stories? As much as the dark forest, so dark that even evil fears to enter, can conceal.   The remaining cities, Darcasuz and Ahar-Ban, possess powerful canal networks. It is there that the headquarters and temporary homes of the resistance movement are located. The canal networks are so extensive that they are virtually impossible to infiltrate. Squads of assassins provide some residents with a form of protection. Any abuse committed by the Chaos Envoys, the use of whips, the mistreatment of slaves, and torture, end with a wrongdoer being dragged into the canals and vanishing. Sometimes, however, assassins use poison-tipped arrows—alchemically crafted extracts from rare flowers found in the damp tunnels beneath the cities. This is another reason why the Chaos Envoys opted for their particular solution. Supposedly, in the underground of Ahar-Ban, there is a brewery whose beer is distributed throughout all the other cities. This is one of the more significant social aspects, ensuring the community a certain happiness and respite from the murderous labor for the Disiciples of Chaos.


The societal structure of the Envoys of Chaos is not particularly organized. At its zenith is the Chaos Council, whose headquarters are situated in the highest tower of the stronghold. Shrouded in secrecy, they destroy anyone who dares even think of questioning their will. Orders to lesser priests and worshippers of Chaos are conveyed through telepathy. They tolerate absolutely no forms of insubordination and disobedience. In their leisure time, they take pleasure in tracking down and exterminating remnants of ancient religions, which did not adjust to Chaos’ teachings. On the surface they harbor a deep hatred for followers of anything other than the God of Chaos, but quite a lot of them are in echelons of sub-cults which the Disciples of Chaos assimilated in the past. All of this may be done in order to prove that their particular cult isn't rebelling against Chaos and prove their devotion to the cause.   The lower echelons of the Disciples of Chaos are tasked with seeking clues about the god's bones. Their fundamental purpose is servitude and performing exceptionally dirty work, during which casualties are not uncommon. However, this is not a matter open to discussion or contemplation. No one questions themselves deep down about whether they “should” do something or not. Cultists and priests are responsible for conducting all kinds of rituals aimed at worshiping and seeking the favor of the god of Chaos Rituals take place on the streets of cities, at cult sites, and shrines. The Chaos Council does not participate in these activities. They have their own ritual stage, inaccessible to the lower classes.

Trade & Transport

The foundation of the economy and trade in this relatively impoverished region lies in the black, shiny rock and what can be crafted from it. This includes quite a variety of things, from houses to exceptionally effective weapons and everyday items. Of course, there are also other products that are made within this region. Shells, extracts from bodies, and vegetation are also extracted and processed, although they do not constitute a significant share on the market.   The second resource that can be obtained is the wood harvested from the Crow Bushes. It is used to craft weapon shafts, which are highly valued by soldiers and guards. In better taverns and houses, tables and furniture are made from this wood, but most of public and poorer places use bones—a resource abundant in the region. Sometimes it is also used for building houses and finishing what could not be constructed from other materials. Interestingly though, while within the Godless Lands this wood is often undervalued, but whenever it finds its way to the Black Market, it can bring quite exorbitant prices for the lucky trader as a rare and exotic ware. Quite a number of it can be found on the baazars of Misty Waters.   As for the envoys of Chaos they usually do not engage in trade with the other realms of this world. What they manage to produce, usually with the hands of slaves, is immediately delivered to the portal and sent to another world. In exchange, the other worlds under the reign of the Disciples of Chaos provide them with food and other necessities. And if they desire something within their reach in the city, then they might try to get it by means other than trade.   Similar to the law of the jungle, they will plainly demand the items they want from lower ranking people in the hierarchy of the Disciples or other cunning practices. Sometimes even relying on theft.   Finding a traditional merchant at the main stronghold in Wurgar is a very rare sight, as it is very sealed off from outsiders. The most economically profitable places to go are the rocky ports in the northeast and the cities in the central part of the region. The local population in these areas is quite distrustful, but there are ways to acquire what you want through trade. Regarding the northeastern ports hidden between the rocks, the local population is very open to trade—on one condition. You must be crystal clear morally and have peaceful intentions.   There is one more fact worth noting—the city at the foot of the northeast forest. The inhabitants of this city are known for potentially having some trade connections and access to trade with the people inhabiting the forests and maybe even trade routes to either Kallonia or Redoe. This is why you can come across unique items here, such as magical items from contemporary times. And most importantly—large quantities of wood. The forests are the only place in the entire region where the typical species of trees from other continents have survived. Therefore, the basis of the economy of this city is the supply, processing, and utilization of wood. You won't find better arborists anywhere in the world.  


The clinking of chains, interwoven with the strikes of picks, hammers, and the whistling wind, is the music to the ears for nobles. Each city has been vassalized, and people living there have harnessed to slave labor to hasten the release of the ancient God of Chaos. The mining colonies in these areas constitute one-fifth of Wurgar's overall income, which is precisely why the Disciples so eagerly seeks these lands. The abilities of the descendants of legendary craftsmen far surpass the inhabitants of the stronghold in the center of the land. The Chaos envoys, aware of this fact, and somewhat allow for the partial preservation of freedom for the citizens of these regions. They understand that if they were to use leather whips, they would expose their mission to serious danger. In this world, there are civilizations so unique that even the Disciples can only bow before their art and creations. None of the parties in this arrangement is considering severing their ties. The residents of the cities prefer to be slaves rather than completely lose hope in restoring their cities to their former glory, while the envoys value the productivity and creativity demonstrated by the population.

Dragsa and the Disciples of Chaos have not yet engaged directly, but given the Disciples' invasive and destructive nature towards other realms, a guarded and negative relationship is presumed. Dragsa remains wary of their expansion and potential threat.

Articles under Disciples of Chaos

Cover image: by DALLE


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