Blackclaw Ranch Settlement in Eberron | World Anvil
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Blackclaw Ranch

Blackclaw Ranch is a Razorback and Direwolf ranch nestled in amongst thick woods and steep cliffs of the Glintrock Range. The razorbacks are raised as a source of food and medicinal components and the Direwolves are trained as guardiung and herding animals to keep the razorbacks in check.


The ranch is predominantly inhabited by the Blackclaw Gnolls with a few Orcs, Goblins, and Humans.


The ranch functions under the leadership of Korgoth Blackclaw, who upholds the rules and traditions of the Gnoll clan. All residents, regardless of their race, are expected to abide by these rules or face expulsion.


Apart from the trained Direwolves that patrol the perimeter, the ranch is also fortified with a tall wooden palisade and watchtowers to deter potential threats.

Industry & Trade

The primary industry revolves around the breeding, training, and trade of Razorbacks and Direwolves. The ranch also trades in meat, leather, and Razorback tusk weapons.   Lura Thornwhisker heads the tannery of the ranch, taking responsibility for the production of razorback leather.   Gornak Steelbite is a skilled blacksmith known for crafting tools from razorback tusks and metals traded from neighbouring settlements like Hillhammer.   Miri Shadechaser is a human herbalist who specializes in using the local flora for medicinal purposes which has ingraciated her within the ranch.   Tazak Two-Tails is the most trusted Direwolf trainer, having an uncanny bond with the animals.


Blackclaw Ranch has a series of large, fenced-in paddocks for the Razorbacks, as well as a central corral for handling and training the creatures. The town also has a large stable for the dire wolves, and several warehouses for storing and shipping their products.


The central living area where most inhabitants reside, the Razorback paddocks, the Direwolf stables, and the training grounds.


The prized Razorbacks and Direwolves, which are both a source of livelihood and protection for the inhabitants.

Guilds and Factions

The main faction is the Blackclaw Gnoll clan. There isn't a specific mention of guilds, but given the trade nature, one might assume associations related to breeding and training.


Blackclaw Ranch was founded by Korgoth Blackclaw, a gnoll warrior who had a vision of creating a powerful Razorback breeding and training operation. With the help of his fellow gnolls and some allied orcs and goblins, Korgoth built up the ranch and made it into a thriving community.

Points of interest

The central corral stands as the heart of Blackclaw Ranch. Here, visitors can observe the skilled ranchers as they interact with the Razorbacks and Direwolves. Additionally, a shrine dedicated to hunting and animals is a sacred space within the settlement.


While not a traditional tourist destination, visitors may be drawn to the ranch to witness the impressive Razorbacks and Direwolves or to engage in trade.


Sturdy log and stone constructions characterize the ranch's buildings, with thatched roofs and wooden shutters. The enclosures for the animals are fashioned from tall wooden fences reinforced with stone.


Located in the Glintrock Range, the ranch is surrounded by thick woods and steep cliffs.


Blackclaw Ranch experiences a hot and dry climate, punctuated occasionally by thunderstorms and flash floods. The scorching summers transition into mild, dry winters.

Natural Resources

The Razorbacks and Direwolves represent the ranch's primary natural assets. Additionally, local flora such as cacti and thorny plants are harvested for culinary and medicinal purposes.
Founding Date
Location under


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