The Teeth Geographic Location in Eberron | World Anvil
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The Teeth

The Teeth is the name given to a small forest at the base of the Glintrock Range in the Graywall Barrens. Named as such because of the towering Ironwood Trees that jut out of the earth like teeth. Many dangerous beasts and monsters are rumored to dwell within the woods which has deterred most people from settling near it.   The exception to this is the newly setup Ironwood Logging Camp who have begun logging the Ironwood trees to trade with the surrounding settlements.


The wood floors are mostly flat except for the thick underbrush of tangling roots, vines, and shrubs that grow beneath the thick canopy of the Ironwood trees though many burrows, gorges, and gullies which provide shelter and cover for the creatures that live within.


The thick canopies and underbrush provide a safe haven from the harsh conditionsof the Barrens allowing various plants and animals to thrive within its borders.

Ecosystem Cycles

Many of the plants have learn to protect themselves during flash floods and bloom after the floods subside and many animals either create burrows with chambers to divert flood water or escape high into the Ironwood trees. The trees capture the water and slowly release it as the weather dries which maintains the ecosystem and limits the worst effects of the fluctuating seasons.

Localized Phenomena

During sunset and sundown, the Ironwood trees give the appearance of the maw of a powerful creature rising up from the earth with jagged metallic teeth.


The climate of The Teeth is generally consistent throughout the year, standing apart from the region surrounding which suffers from floods, thunderstorms, and scorching dry heat.

Fauna & Flora

The Teeth is dominated by the Ironwood Trees which provide a stable environment for many lushious plants and flowers including the Flood Lily, Ironwood Orchid, Lumina Rose, Web Fern, Ironroot Grass, and Surge Succulent.   Many small mammals and rodents find a home for themselves in The Teeth which provides food for creatures like the Prowler Beast, Displacer Beast, and Oozes.

Natural Resources

Ironwood Trees are the most notable resource; however, the protection it provides to the animals and plants in the region, and their ability to store water means The Teeth also provide a lof of food and water for those brave enough to to stave off its predators.   For those courageous hunters, the pelts of Prowler and Displacer Beasts have highly desired alchemical and artificing properties.


Little is known about The Teeth as those who chose to brave its woods did not leave to tell ta les of what was inside except for horror stories of nightmarish beasts and sounds. In recent memory, a band of determined Orcs have formed a logging camp to harvest Ironwood Trees.


Very few people are brave enough to risk the dangers of the woods to visit. Most that do are adventurers in over their heads and end up becoming food for its predators and fertilizer for its plants.
Forest, Boreal (Coniferous)
Location under


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