Ironwood Logging Camp Settlement in Eberron | World Anvil
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Ironwood Logging Camp

The Ironwood Logging Camp is a small band of Orcs and Half-Orcs in The Teeth in the northern edges of the Glintrock Range.   Deciding to brave the dangers of the beasts that stalk the woods like Prowler Beast and Displacer Beast, their goal is to log and trade the Ironwood Trees which give The Teeth its ominous appearance.


The camp is made up predominantly of Orcs; however, some Half-Orcs which have found acceptance with the Orcs can be found as well.


The camp is made up of five Orc clans that have come together and operate as a consociate assembly. Each Clan has a singular leader, either elected or inhereted, and the leaders meet in a democratic assembly to determine how to manage the logging camp.  


  • Bloodmaw Clan lead by Groshak Bloodmaw
  • Ironhide Clan lead by Dralka Ironhide
  • Stormtusk Clan lead by Narzug Stormtusk
  • Stonefist Clan lead by Thalgrim Stonefist
  • Thunderjaw Clan lead by Borgar Thunderjaw


The camp is surrounded by a wooden palisade, reinforced with stone towers at the corners. The guards are well-trained and well-equipped with weapons and armor.

Industry & Trade

The primary industry is logging and lumber production, with a small amount of charcoal production as well. The camp also has several skilled woodworkers who produce furniture, tools, and other goods.


The buildings in the camp are made of sturdy wood and stone, and the streets are paved with gravel. The camp has a large caravan of wagons used to trade materials to the city Graywall and the surrounding settlements.


Each clan has built their own section of the camp utilizing the architecture and layout traditional to their ancestors, creating a pentagram layout of the camp. In the center is a large, round hut adorned on each corner with trinkets from each signifying unity.


The camp has several lumber mills and a charcoal kiln, which allows them to produce high-quality lumber and charcoal. They also have a small but efficient farm, which provides some food for the inhabitants but still relies on food from the Blackclaw Ranch.

Guilds and Factions

While acting in unity, each clan still maintains their cultural identity within the camp and the layout helped to maintain a level of separation. Each clan provides a unique skillset to contribute to the camps success:
  • The Bloodmaw Clan trains as scouts and warriors to protect the loggers
  • The Ironhide Clan work to process the wood into timber
  • The Stormtusk Clan organize trading caravans, and messengers to other settlements
  • The Stonefist Clan are the primary loggers and woodcutters
  • The Thunderjaw Clan are trained carpenters, turning timber into tools and furniture


The camp was founded by Thalgrim Stonefist, a veteran lumberjack who saw the potential of the Ironwood Forest. With the help of his orcish and half-orcish companions, he established the camp and built it up over several years.   The population felt a swift decline as the Orcs were unprepared for the dangers found deep within the woods, believing the tales to be the fearmongering of cowards only to realize how true the 'myth's were. Very quickly, they setup defences, traps, and patrols to keep the logging operations safe and have since propsered.

Points of interest

Beyond the large lumbermill and charcoal kilns and varied cultural elements mixing together, there is a shrine carved into one of the Ironwood Trees (which has been marked as sacred and off-limits) where the Orcs provide offerings harking back to the Druidic origins of their people from the Shadow Marches and Eldeen Reaches.


The buildings in the camp are mostly made of sturdy wood and stone, with a few exceptions made of brick or other materials. The architecture is functional rather than ornate, with a focus on durability and practicality.


The camp is located on the edge of the Ironwood Forest, which is a dense and ancient forest full of large and valuable trees. The area around the camp is hilly and rugged, with a few small streams and rivers.
Founding Date
Location under


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