Dustbowl Settlement in Eberron | World Anvil
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Dustbowl is an animal ranching village in the Glintrock Range on the Serpentrock River. They raise Sand Drakes, large bipedal creatures with the ability to burrow and blast jets of sand, to be made into meat and leather. The town gets its name for being situated amongst gravelly hills and collects dust when strong winds sweep through the region.


Majority—Gnolls, Orcs
Minority—Kobolds, Tieflings


Dustbowl is run by the wealthiest ranchers in the region who form a collective to dictate resources, set rules, and impose order upon those herding Sand Drakes:  
  • The Sunstreakers led by Karruk Sunstreaker
  • The Ironfangs led by Korga Ironfang
  • The Silverclaws led by Zrix Silverclaw


Watchtowers scattered throughout the town to keep an eye out for raiders and wild beasts.

Industry & Trade

Raising and training sand drakes, as well as the production of leather goods and weapons made from the creatures' hides and bones.


Dirt roads connecting the scattered ranches, a small marketplace for trading goods, and communal corrals for raising and caring for the sand drakes.


Large herds of wyvern-like creatures called "Sand Drakes" that are raised for their meat, hides, and ability to be trained for combat.


The ranchers of Dustbowl were some of the first to successfully domesticate and train sand drakes for use in combat, and they quickly became some of the wealthiest and most influential members of the Glintrock Range.

Points of interest

The Dustbowl Arena, where wyvern riders compete in brutal and bloody competitions using their trained sand drakes.


Most buildings are made of stone or adobe to help keep the heat out, with flat roofs and small windows.


The town is located in the heart of the Glintrock Range, surrounded by rocky badlands and sand dunes.


Hot and arid, with frequent sandstorms and flash floods.

Natural Resources

Sand drakes, leather, bone, and other desert flora and fauna.
Founding Date
Location under


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