Sprocket Settlement in Eberron | World Anvil
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Sprocket is a unique town nestled into the hillside near the Serpentrock River in the Glintrock Range. Originally founded by a group of adventurous Gnomes seeking new challenges, it has grown to include a diverse population of Gnomes, Kobolds, Goblins, Humans, and Dwarves.   The town is known for its innovative spirit, advanced engineering, and mining wealth, which includes rare metals, gems, and small deposits of Glimmerstone. Most buildings are carved into the rock, connected by stone and rope-bridge walkways, creating a picturesque and bustling underground community.


Minority— Kobolds, Goblins, Humans, Dwarves


The town is run by a Gnomish family headed by their matriarch or patriach. The leading family is determined every decade by a competition called the "Tinker's Tourney". The goal is to produce the most creative and experimental invention. The current ruling family are the Gearsprockets, led by Zephyr Gearsprocket.


While Sprocket has a few basic walls and gates on the exterior, the primary means of defense come from natural camouflage and the town's subterranean location, making it challenging for potential threats to locate and approach. The Warforged,Ironsides, serves as the town's guardian and protector, patrolling the exterior and the mines at all times of night and day. Thistle Geargrinder creates and maintains alarm constructs and clockwork traps to deter mostly curious animals but also the occasional bandit.

Industry & Trade

Sprocket's main industries revolve around mining and refining rare metals and gems. Additionally, the gnomes excel in the production of intricate clockwork machines and golems, which they trade with other communities.   Felix Cogspring is the town's chief clockmaker and timekeeper whose primary role is ensuring the clockwork tower is prompt and operational and is assisted by his apprentice Hazel Gearwhistle.   A Warforged named Echo has taken it upon themself to be a courier and messenger for the town, easily traversing the rough environment to exchange information with the neighbouring settlements.


The town's infrastructure is a marvel of gnome engineering, featuring rock-carved buildings, intricate tunnels, and an extensive network of mines. The central clocktower keeps time for the town, especially useful in the absence of natural sunlight. A grand water fountain adorned with finely crafted metal sculptures adds to the town's charm.


Sprocket is divided into various districts, each specializing in different aspects of the town's activities. There are mining and refining areas, mechanical workshops, residential quarters, and commercial zones.


The town's most valuable assets lie in its rare metal deposits, gemstones, and Glimmerstone. The skilled workforce and their technological prowess contribute significantly to Sprocket's prosperity.

Guilds and Factions

Various guilds and factions exist within Sprocket, each focusing on different areas of expertise, such as engineering, mining, and clockwork craftsmanship. These groups work together to support the town's development and share knowledge.


Sprocket was founded by a group of gnomes who were seeking new opportunities and challenges in the wider world beyond their traditional homelands. They were attracted to the rich veins of rare metals and gems in the Glintrock Range, and settled in the hills outside the more populated areas of Droaam. Despite initial tensions with the local goblin and orc tribes, the gnomes managed to establish a peaceful coexistence and have thrived in the area for several generations.

Points of interest

The central clocktower and the elaborate water fountain are prominent landmarks in Sprocket. The extensive tunnels and mines beneath the town are essential for its wealth and prosperity.


While not a major tourist destination, Sprocket attracts travelers interested in innovative engineering, gnomish craftsmanship, and the unique subterranean lifestyle of its residents.


The town's architecture predominantly consists of buildings carved into the rock, with intricate designs and clockwork features enhancing their appearance.


Sprocket is situated in the Glintrock Range, near the Serpentrock River, with access to rare metals, gems, and Glimmerstone from its extensive network of mines.


The Glintrock Range experiences a dry and arid climate, with hot summers and cold winters, which Sprocket's residents have adapted to through their underground lifestyle.

Natural Resources

The town's wealth is derived from its abundant rare metal deposits, precious gemstones, and the valuable Glimmerstone, as well as the skilled workforce of diverse races that contribute to its success.
Founding Date
Location under


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