Blackvein Settlement in Eberron | World Anvil
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Blackvein is a burgeoning Glimmerstone mining town nestled amidst the rugged hills of the Glintrock Range adorned with streaks of obsidian, a testament to its volcanic past. Formed by diverse tribes and communities seeking unity, the town is named after these striking black veins. Blackvein is a place of resourcefulness and resilience, where its inhabitants have banded together to thrive in the challenging environment.


The town is made up mostly of Goblins and Orcs though in recent years due to the discover of Glimmerstone, oher peoples such as Kobolds, Gnolls and even Humans and Dwarves to a lesser extent have made Blackvein their home.


The town operates under the guidance of an elder council, comprising representatives from the various tribes. This council ensures equitable distribution of resources, oversees mining operations, and addresses the town's needs, making decisions for the greater good.  


  • Elder Jorgund—A wise and respected goblin elder who has been on the council for many years.
  • Elder Kethra—A tough and outspoken orc who advocates for stronger defenses and security measures.
  • Elder Elendil—A shrewd kobold who handles the town's finances and trade deals.
  A new Elder is chosen when one of the current Elders abdicates or passes away, by the other councillors. The Elders meet with the townsfolk and guild-leaders frequently to discuss the direction of the town and any issues that are occurring.


Blackvein's defenses are a combination of natural features and constructed fortifications. Stone forts and wooden caltrops guard its perimeter, a testament to the community's preparedness against bandits and predators. A small contingent of mercenaries has been hired in 998 YK to help shore up their forces against rumors of a nearby warlord building up a fighting force.

Industry & Trade

Glimmerstone mining is the heartbeat of Blackvein's industry, attracting traders seeking this precious resource. The town maintains a small farm of fangcorn and razorwheat, supplementing trade with essential staples.


A sturdy wooden palisade wall surrounds the town, with watchtowers and guard posts placed strategically along its perimeter. Several sturdy stone buildings serve as workshops and warehouses for the town's mining operations. A central market square serves as a gathering place for both residents and visiting traders. Several small, humble homes dot the town's outskirts, with larger communal buildings in the town center.


There are three main ares found within Blackvein. The first is where the majority of the homes are found, circling around the Elder's Council which serves as a central meeting place for the town. The second is the mine itself and the surrounding buildings of industry and function, including warehouses and a smithy. Lastly, there is the farm with its most notable attraction being a large manpowered grinding wheel.


The town's most prized asset is its glimmerstone mines, a newfound source of prosperity. The obsidian-rich hills also provide a unique aesthetic to the town's architecture and environment, and the remnants of volcanic activity has made this region particularly fertile allowing for a small farm of Razorwheat and Fangcorn to be grown.

Guilds and Factions

The elder council represents the unified voice of Blackvein's tribes, ensuring harmony among the diverse factions. The community's spirit of cooperation serves as an unspoken faction, binding its members.


Blackvein was founded centuries ago by a group of goblins and orcs. Recently, in the last few years, they discovereda rich vein of Glimmerstone in the mountain which has caused the population to swell with new arrivals. The town has survived numerous attacks and raids over the years, both from rival mining towns and the various monstrous creatures that roam the Glintrock Range. Recently, there have been rumors of a powerful warlord gathering an army in the nearby hills, causing many in Blackvein to worry about a potential attack on their town.

Points of interest

  • The Glimmerstone mine itself, which stretches deep into the mountain and is filled with countless tunnels and chambers.
  • A nearby natural hot spring, which provides a source of warmth and relaxation for the town's residents.
  • A small shrine to the Dark Six, which many of the town's more devout residents visit to offer prayers and sacrifices.


While not a major tourist destination, Blackvein's unique obsidian-streaked landscape and the community's collaborative spirit might intrigue adventurous travelers.


Most of the buildings in Blackvein are constructed from sturdy stone and timber, with roofs made of thatch or clay tiles. The town's walls are reinforced with thick wooden beams and iron spikes. A few of the more affluent residents have built large, ornate homes with intricate carvings and decorations.


Blackvein is situated amidst rugged hills, with its obsidian veins a visible testament to the region's volcanic past. The natural terrain provides both challenges and strategic advantages.


The climate varies, with the terrain influencing weather patterns. The obsidian hills can absorb heat, leading to fluctuating temperatures and distinct microclimates.

Natural Resources

Glimmerstone is the town's most valuable natural resource, driving its economy and attracting trade. The obsidian veins also offer a unique local material for crafting and construction.
Founding Date
Location under


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