Moonshadow Grove Settlement in Eberron | World Anvil
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Moonshadow Grove

A close-knit commune nestled in a dense forest of the Glintrock Range. Led by Alpha Kaela Moonshadow, it is predominantly inhabited by Shifters and werewolves, seeking refuge from societal prejudice. Embracing their natural abilities, they thrive through hunting, gathering, and mining precious stones. The commune is well-guarded, and its rustic cabins and natural caves blend harmoniously with the rugged terrain. A haven for those seeking freedom and acceptance.


Shifters and Werewolves


The Alpha of the Pack, Kaela Moonshadow, rules over the pack with wisdom and strength. Upon the passing of the Alpha, a competition is held at the next full moon and whoever can overcome trials of widsom, strength, and bravery take their position as the new leader. Any ties are generally dealt with by bloody fights to the death.


The commune is heavily guarded and fortified, with traps and barriers set up to deter outsiders. The shifters and werewolves are skilled in combat and are not afraid to defend their territory.

Industry & Trade

The primary industry is hunting and gathering, with some mining for precious stones and metals. The shifters and werewolves also craft their own weapons and tools.


The commune is made up of small, rustic cabins and structures built from wood and stone. There are also several natural caves and dens that serve as living spaces for the werewolves.


The primary asset of the commune is the land itself, which provides ample hunting and gathering opportunities for the shifters and werewolves. The commune also has a few small mines for precious stones and metals.

Guilds and Factions

There are no formal guilds in Moonshadow Grove, as the shifters and werewolves operate as a close-knit community.


Moonshadow Grove was founded by Kaela Moonshadow and a group of like-minded shifters and werewolves who were tired of being ostracized by society. They sought to create a safe haven for their kind where they could live freely and without fear of persecution.

Points of interest

The commune is surrounded by dense forest and is home to several natural hot springs. The nearby glimmerstone mines are a frequent target for the werewolves, who are drawn to the mineral's unique properties.


The buildings in Moonshadow Grove are simple and rustic, blending in with the natural surroundings. They are often built from wood and stone, with thatched roofs and rough-hewn beams.


Moonshadow Grove is located in a dense forest in the Glintrock Range, with the nearest settlement several miles away. The terrain is rugged and hilly, with numerous rocky outcroppings and caves.


The climate is temperate, with mild summers and cold winters. Heavy snowfall is common during the winter months.

Natural Resources

The primary natural resources are the land itself, which provides ample hunting and gathering opportunities, as well as the nearby glimmerstone mines.
Founding Date
Location under


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