Hillhammer Settlement in Eberron | World Anvil
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Hillhammer is an iron and copper mining village in the northern hills of the Glintrock Range. The metals produced here is used to build the tools and weapons for the Glintrock Range and for the city of Graywall.


Majority—Ogres, Goblins
Minority—Kobolds, Minotaurs


The town has an elected council of 5 members of the community. The current councillors are:
  • Grolsha—Large ogre known for his even temperament
  • Thorgar—Grizzled old Dwarf respected for his tactical acumen
  • Ragni—Goblin with an air of authority and a skilled negotiator
  • Hurga—Muscular Minotaur with a piercing stare and is a natural leader
  • Rava—Kobold with a wiry frame and quick mind, and the youngest of the council


The town is surrounded by wooden walls with watchtowers at key points. The council maintains a standing guard of skilled warriors to protect against potential raiders.

Industry & Trade

Iron and copper mining is the primary industry in Hillhammer. Most of the materials go to the growing city of Graywall with some going to the surrounding settlements.


Hillhammer has a small but well-maintained marketplace, as well as a smithy, a lumbermill, and a grain farm. There are also several inns and taverns to accommodate the miners.


The town's primary assets are its iron and copper mines, which are some of the richest in the Glintrock Range.

Guilds and Factions

The Iron and Copper Guild is the most powerful guild in Hillhammer. They control the mines and are responsible for exporting the ore.


Hillhammer was founded when the Iron and Copper Guild discovered the rich veins of ore in the Glintrock Range. The guild recruited miners from neighboring towns and created the mining camp that eventually became Hillhammer.

Points of interest

The mines themselves are a major point of interest, attracting many traders and miners from neighboring towns.


The buildings in Hillhammer are simple and utilitarian, with most made of wood or stone. The mines themselves are underground, and the entrance is covered by a large wooden gate.


Hillhammer is situated in a valley between two mountain ranges in the Glintrock Range. The terrain is rocky and barren, with few trees or plants.
Founding Date
Location under


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