Crystalhold Settlement in Eberron | World Anvil
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Crystahold is a Glimmerstone mining town in the Glintrock Range built partially underground in the rocky hills south of the Serpentrock River.


The majority of Crystalhold are descendants of the Goblins and Kobolds who found the cache of gems. Over time, a notable population of Dwarves, Orcs, and Minotaurs have settled in the town.


Crystalhold is run by a syndicate of the guilds that operate in Crystalhold: the Mining Guild, Smithing Guild, Crystal Cutters, Glassblowers Guild, and open slot for those not working in any of the major guilds. Each elects a representative to make decisions and employ a section of the populace as guards to enforce the law.  

Guild Leaders

  • Kragg Stonebreaker
  • Thrum Hammerfist
  • Zix Splintergem
  • Greta Forgeborne


The enclosed cavern provides ample protection to the denizens inside them and several wooden towers and pallisades are erected around the aboveground buildings, manned by a well-trained militia to protect mostly from predator animals and the occasional bandit.

Industry & Trade

  • Glimmerstone Mining
  • Crystal cutting and polishing
  • Blacksmithing
  • Jewellery Makking
  • Glassblowing


The buildings on the surface are built mostly from wood and stone with carved irrigation transporting water from the caverns and crushed gravel roads between buildings. Underground, the buildings are carved out of the walls and many incorporate the dazzling gems and luminescent fungi to provide lighting. The fungi is encouraged to grow in specific patterns to create pathways in the low light.


The town is broken up into several distrcts mostly by the function of the guilds. The Glassblower's Guild finds themselves aboveground, taking advantage of the sand and sediment found along the banks of the Serpentrock river.   The Blacksmith's also settled aboveground to better allow the smoke from their forges to ventilate and not collect in the bowels of the cavern while the Crystal Cutter's and Miners' Guild kept close to the source of their professions within the cavern.   Additionally, majority of the residential quarters are found within the cavern for the protection against predators and the elements that it provides.


  • Glimmerstone Mine
  • Crystal Deposits
  • Large underground cave system

Guilds and Factions

  • The Miner's Guild
  • The Crystal Cutters' Guild
  • The Blacksmiths' Guild
  • The Glassblowers' Guild


Crystalhold was founded by a group of goblin and kobold miners who discovered an underground cache of gems and crystals in the Glintrock Range. They were joined by dwarves, orcs, and minotaurs who were drawn to the town's wealth. The council of elders was established to govern the town and prevent infighting between the different races. The town's wealth and population exploded upon finding a vein of Glimmerstone.

Points of interest

The Great Cavern is the most notable point of interest, being home to many species of luminescent fungi and cave-dwelling creatures as well as the large shimmering clusters of crystals and gems.   The Crystal Palace is a building integrated into the largest cluster of gems and is the meeting place for the syndicate council leaders.


Visitors are primarily drawn to the caverns filled with shining gems, crystals, and the unique glow of bioluminescent fungi. Mining tours and river activities are also popular.


Most buildings are made of stone and wood, with some buildings carved into the natural rock formations. Many buildings are adorned with crystals and other gems.


Crystalhold is located in a valley surrounded by hills and mountains. The glimmerstone mine is located at the foot of one of the mountains.


The climate is dry and arid, with hot summers and cold winters. The town is often hit by sandstorms and windstorms.

Natural Resources

  • Glimmerstone
  • Crystal deposits
  • Bioluminescent plants and animals
Founding Date
Location under


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