BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 7

General Summary

With The Mayor's Party in full swing, the new group of adventurer's spend some time socialising with notables of the city.   After their brief chat with Weddy McDowel, a brazen young half-elf approaches the group - Harmony, the Military Rallié for the Order of the Shield. Harmony it seems has some past with Eva, who she addresses as 'Milly'. An all-round pleasant person, Harmony spends some time being herself before sauntering off elsewhere.   Ariadne Nightsbridge introduces the group to Drake Chosa, famed private investigator of Nakaba. Drake is very impressed by the party's recent exploits, and commends them for their investigative skills. Before leaving, the woman asks the group if they have seen or heard anything about a dangerous criminal known as Maddy Skulldrummer. Apparently this person had been terrorising much of Hiku City and the east, before disappearing. Drake has chased the dangerous criminal to the capital, but has lost the trail since. At the mention of Shadow Witches, Drake tells Leah to speak with her privately later, as she then proceeds to attack the buffet.   The evening continues with musical performances and food and drink freely flowing. Godric takes a moment to speak to Valkia Orbeck, the Knight Princess looking quite agitated at being at the party. A short conversation is had, and Godric leaves his tiger, Hope, with the royal as he continues to mingle.   Having left a lingering bad taste in her mouth, Marty begins spreading a rumour that Harmony stole most of her work from Eva, being jealous of her talents and possibly a jilted lover.   Later on in the night, Cassandra De La Hûne makes her way over to Veda. The glamorous elf seems very happy to see the young tiefling, and asks if they could speak in private shortly, once she's had a chance to freshen up. After waiting for a few minutes, Veda goes to follow the Master of Glamour, but has her way blocked by one of the Knights in attendance. The guard gives a slight nod to the other 2 Knights in attendance, as the doors entering the ballroom burst open, 3 armed men running into the room. The newcomers along with the Knights proceed to attack party-goers, spraying blood across the marbled floor. Panic ensues, and as many of the guests try to leave, they are cut down in the wake of the attackers.   The group of adventurers spring to action, assailing the attackers with the limited weapons they have. Ariadne helps people escape as best as she can, before engaging the attackers also. As the fight swells, a muffled scream can be heard from the chamber beyond where the first attacker stood. At this cue, the surviving attackers begin to flee. Veda gives chase to two of them, and blasts them out of the window with one of her spells - they survive to flee into the night. One attacker remains unconscious on the ballroom floor, and the party tie him up for questioning.   With the threat removed, Marty begins to stabilise those who fell during the fray, and Leah heals those she can with her Healing Spirit.   Atlas begins moving through the rooms where the scream came from - eventually finding the slain body of Cassandra - a single stab wound to the back being the cause of her death. Left on her body is a calling card, with a symbol - the marker of the Silent Owls. Clutched underneath her body, a book is found - which seems to contain songs written in elvish.   Examining the attackers reveals them to be members of The Reapers. Ariadne leaves Godric in charge while she rushes back to tthe Order's HQ for backup. The group proceed to interrogate the remaining Reaper, who remains tightlipped despite various threats and promises. Atlas recalls that these mercenaries are well trained to resist torture, and so relays that it's unlikely he will say anything.   Ariadne eventually returns, and the Knights proceed to secure the area. The guests are allowed to return home, as the mayor can provide a guest list of everyone in attendance - all of which will be questioned in the morning.   The group are also allowed the leave the party, as Ariadne continues the investigation. The adventurers make their way to Eva's Home to discuss what happened and attempt to decode the notebook - realising it isn't just a songbook.   While the book is being decoded, Leah takes the chance to speak with Hope. The tiger, somewhat surprised to be able to speak to somebody, reveals that she is in fact the missing princess Olwyn Orbeck. Her caravan was attacked on the road to Kaiz, and although the attackers were defeated, one of them managed to cast a spell on the young princess, transforming her into a tiger. As Godric and Valkia were present at the time, the tiefling knight was entrusted to look after the tiger while Valkia tried to investigate what happened. The crown did not wish for anybody to find out what happened, and so Olwyn became Godric's new pet until she can be cured.   The journal reveals some interesting truths, which the group continue to discuss...

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Report Date
08 Nov 2019
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