Barony La Bouchee


All the nobles are Penner but most of the villages are pure Raxorians. There are Legerdians in the Barony but they are not numerous and hard to separate from the Raxorians.


Zorakin Culture with a strong Raxorian tint of it.


One iron mine and one copper mine, neither of them produce much ore, but enough to make them worth keeping.

Demography and Population

The majority of the people living in the barony are Raxorians while the ruling class are Penner. There are Legerdians but mostly in the village where the baron resides. The Legerdians living locally manage all the trade and makes contact with the Raxorians, making it a win win for all.


5 knights with retinues

Agriculture & Industry

There isn't much easy arable land making goats and sheeps the main creature hold by the people of the barony. There are many small lakes in the barony with plenty of fish in it, making fish a stable part of diet.

Trade & Transport

There isn't much trade taking place in the barony. Most villages are selfsustained.

Your home is your castle.

Geopolitical, Barony
Formation Type
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
The Zoraki currency
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Notable Members
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

Articles under Barony La Bouchee