Session 6, Concluding the Unicorn Hunt



The party concluded their business with Ilie's revenge plot, talked to rats, and looked into bucket thievery.

While looking for the unicorn, the party talked to the fishmonger who had previously had a disturbance. He said that he hasn't any any more disturbances, but someone had stolen his bucket that night, a nasty fish-gut bucket that was falling apart and would need to be replaced soon. Salvestro found the bucket floating under a dock and it was returned.   The party met with the guards to discuss the case of Ilie seeking revenge. The guards and mages had cleared the secret base and confiscated the unicorn (in the process of being enchanted), his research notes, diagrams of his enchantments, and his personal journal. Pyren went in to interrogate Ilie and uncovered his ill conceived plan to prove that Alano Cosma was innocent, make his accusers pay, and possibly re-instate Alano as the headmaster of the Ervelt Magic Academy. His exact goals were...unclear at best, but he clearly intended on murdering people after his test phase was complete. The guards left Webber Cross to decide if he should be held by the guards or turned over to magic academy.   The party then went to see Vanryell having an event at The Ocean Tide where he would hear complaints/grievances/comments from the general public. 3 issues stood out. 1: Karen didn't like people walking past her house at the docks at night, 2:there are HUGE rats! and 3: where is the community center Van promised to build? Van explained that Carm Hoag was blocking their purchases from Benidik's Raw Materials which was holding up work on the community center. The party investigated the other two. Also, at one point someone walked up to Rollo Kellett and had a brief conversation. Rollo then asked Ford Brewmaster and Dash to help with a delivery being dropped off.   Salvestro made friends with a rat he named Greggory and found a large but otherwise normal rat he named Oswin. It was discussed that Oswin was indeed dog sized, but like chihuahua sized. He then paid Oswin in animal crackers to provide intel on anything going on at the docks. Salvestro also investigated a missing trash can and found a similar scent to the missing bucket. Sal found a person who had a similar scent and Pyren accidently propositioned that guy for sex. They then talked about the stars and determined that Kellen and Webber Cross were not good friends.  


  • Ilie
  • Alano Cosma (discussed)
  • Greggory, Sal's new pet rat
  • Oswin, Heckin chonky rat turned informant
  • Fishmonger whos bucket was stolen
  • Suspicious smelling friendly guy who offered to hang out with Pyren, but Pyren didn't get a name.


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