
The Town of Verde is an New California Republic town currently occupied by Caesar's Legion. Founded in 2210 by NCR settlers from Baja, the town served as a set off point for settlement across the Colorado, before the Legion arrived. During the days of the Mojave Campaign, Verde was a secondary front, with only minor skirmishes taking place between those who dared cross the river. After the Second Battle for Hoover Dam, Verde became the main front of the NCR-Legion War. For most of the 2280s and 90s, it was the site of various skirmishes and small stalemates, until August 6th 2299. On that night, explosions sent a third of the town into the canyon below, Legion Operatives began raiding the town, and a force of over 5000 legionaries struck the town and garrison defense at once.    Verde is now under the direct control of Legate Indolus, the frontline commander of the Legion, whose frontline is 30 miles west of the city. Under Legion control the city is slowly undergoing integration, unskilled men are put into the Legion, women are integrated into the family caste, skilled workers and merchants are slowly learning of the Legion's harsh benefits, and all others are enslaved.


Once a bit larger, around 5,000 people, now it is far smaller, due to Legion killings and the collapse into the canyon.


Serving as the frontline settlement for the Legion, Verde's meager defenses were overhauled, with sentries, towers, trenches, and walls.
Founding Date
Large town
Location under
Owning Organization


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