Edward Parker

General Edward Parker

Edward Parker is a General in the New California Republic Army, and a war hero from the NCR-Brotherhood War. General Parker originally retired in 2285, but was recalled back to service at the request of President Lucinda Bailey in 2299 to be the acting Frontline Commander, following Caesar's Legion capture of Verde and push towards Blythe. Leading from Camp Baja, Parker is responsible for halting the advance, and together with his son, Major Nathan Parker, is gathering all the forces he can to push the Legion out of NCR Territory.   Edward Parker started as a lieutenant in 2254, after completing the Officer Course at Fort Tandi, and was placed in command of 1st Battalion's Alpha Company, based out of Shady Sands. Lieutenant Parker lead the attack on Vault 13 in 2256, the first major battle against the Brotherhood of Steel. After seizing the vault and over thirty POWs, Parker was promoted to Captain, when his former captain was placed on permanent medical leave, and given command of 1st Battalion.   Parker's next taste of battle came on May 11, 2258, when 1st Battalion sieged Bunker Delta, along with the 7th and 19th Battalions, all under the command of General Olsen. Captain Parker lead the initial breach into the bunker, as well as the first two levels. But when Major Theons and his 19th Battalion broke through into the 3rd level, the defenders triggered the bunker's self destruct. In the ensuing explosion, half of both the 1st and 19th Battalions were killed, along with Major Theons. For his actions in leading the remaining forces out safely, as well as holding them together throughout the siege, Parker was awarded the Heroic Service Star, and promoted to Major, with Olsen consolidating what was left of the 19th into the 1st, Parker now commanded one of the most experienced Battalions in the NCR's Military.   In 2260, while he and his men were on leave in the Hub, the Brotherhood completed their raids on the gold reserves of Redding and Fort Aradesh, crippling the NCR's economy. Parker, who was with his wife and young son, immediately leapt into action, and his battalion went on the move. Eventually 1st Battalion cornered the group that raided Redding in the ruins of Marberg, and defeated them through use of excessive violence and explosives, and relying on his infantry's much more agile and quick movements in the urban setting.   In 2262, Major Parker once again found himself under the command of General Olsen, this time alongside the 2nd, 3rd, 9th, 15th, and 19th Battalions, all on the move to the Sierra Army Depot. As a Major, Parker was the senior Battalion CO, and as such was Olsen's overall second in command of the newly formed Redwood Regiment. Once at Sierra, the Regiment came under fire from the massive fortress, forcing the attackers to settle in for a long siege. Circling around the walls, and constructing a total of 6 full trench lines around the Depot, Parker acted as the frontline commander, while Olsen strategized from the Command Post near the rear. From April 6th to May 18th the stalemate ground down both side, until on the final day, Parker watched an artillery shell rip down a section of the wall. Knowing that the Brotherhood would act fast, he needed to be faster. Rather than waiting for Olsen's command, he ordered the 1st to charge into the Depot, and simply radioed Olsen of his intent. The 2nd and 3rd Battalions saw this happen, and charged behind them. Parker and the 1st captured the armory first, then, when the 2nd and 3rd linked up with them, Parker ordered all three to advance on the Depot's Command Post. After several hours of intense fighting, Parker had the NCR Flag raised over the Depot, and the battle was over. Olsen was not happy, and ordered Parker to Court Martial for insubordination. Olsen might have gotten his way, if not for backdoor politics. At the same time as the the War with the Brotherhood was happening, the NCR was also fighting the Mojave Campaign against Caesar's Legion, just one part of the overall NCR-Legion War. This war in the Mojave Wasteland was not going well, and Parker's actions had restored a large amount of morale within the populace. Olsen's charges were dismissed, and Parker was awarded the Star of the Sierra Madre, the NCR equivalent of the Medal of Honor. General Olsen, angered by this, resigned his post, refusing to take part in politics in a war. For his part, Parker repeatedly tried to convince him otherwise, but Olsen, already 73 years old, had had enough.   In 2265, the NCR made a decisive strike against the Brotherhood at Lost Hills Bunker, the site of the BOS's central command. The Redwood Regiment (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 9th, 15th, and 19th Battalions) now led by Colonel Parker, reinforced at Vault City with the 22nd and 30th Battalions, and then marched north to the bunker. With over 4,000 troops, and a detachment of 200 Rangers under command of Ranger Chief Hanlon, the NCR struck Lost Hills like a Super Sledge, but the defenders held like Titanium. On June 1st, Parker ordered large scale artillery strikes and tactical infantry-mounted nuclear ordinance against the above ground defenses. One of the heaviest barrages of the Post-Apocalypse, Lost Hills itself survived, but above it was reduced to a smoldering wastes, even glassed in some places. The Rangers led the way into the the bunker proper, with the Regulars close behind, and the fight was brutal, for a full 72 hours, the NCR had not cleared the top floor. When they did on the morning of the 4th day, the brotherhood started falling back deeper in, Parker, having dealt with this before, knew what was coming, and ordered an immediate withdrawal. He was right, as the last Rangers left the Bunker, the earth shook, and dust filled the air, Lost Hills had self destructed. Killing all within, including the entire central leadership of the Brotherhood. The destruction of Lost Hills was a major turning point in the war, from then on the BOS never went on any offensives, and instead began defending their own bunkers, with the Maxson Bunker commanding as best it could, with the young Jonathon Maxson now in command of what was left of his family's legacy.   After Lost Hills, Parker and the rest of the NCR Regiments began clearing away bunkers at will, but the Brotherhood was still getting intel. Finally, in 2267, the Rangers found that the bunker in Maxson was the most likely spot of a new HQ, due to the volume of traffic in the area. This presented the NCR with a unique opportunity to strike at the last heart of Brotherhood territory. An opportunity that Parker lobbied to strike at repeatedly. Finally, in 2268, Parker got the reinforcements needed for a city siege. With the 5th Artillery Battalion and 1st Armored Battalion being added to his Redwood Regiment, Colonel Parker marched towards Maxson from Dayglow, and began bombarding the city. For ten days Parker's Regiment began demolishing the city block by block, floor by floor, inflicting just as much as they took, for the first time since the war started, the brotherhood no longer had superior tech and experience. When the bunker was finally breached, Parker knew better than to send troops in, and instead sent Mini Nukes by the dozens down into the breach and main shaft. Only after that point were the Armored Troops and 1st Infantry Battalion sent in, while the remaining troops began clearing stragglers and holdouts. After clearing the first two floors of the three story bunker, the self destruct alarm sounded; Parker knew it immediately, and ordered the fall back. Maxson Bunker blew, killing the last of the Brotherhood's command structure. This battle was Parker's last major battle of the war, and spent the next six years demolishing bunkers that were isolated, and nearly defenseless. He described it only as "Monotonous, but necessary."   During this time, Parker's son, Nathan, had been growing, and joined the military, like his father. Colonel Parker did not spend much time with his son, due to the war, but he did endorse his son for the Officer's Course, though the Colonel himself never went to the Mojave Wasteland to join his son. Instead Parker was promoted to General in 2276, and became the Garrison Commander of Baja. He held this position for ten years, despite repeatedly requesting permission to take over as garrison commander in the Mojave, the new president, Aaron Kimball preferred the far younger General Lee Oliver. Parker repeatedly requested the assignment, citing numerous instances of Oliver's failures, but never got his chance. After the end of the Mojave Campaign, General Parker spent the next few years in obscurity, before resigning in 2285. He retired to a ranch outside the Hub with his wife, and took up painting.   Edward Parker enjoyed his rest, but when the Legion pushed through at Verde, he felt the bear turn its eyes on him once again. In 2299, President Lucinda Bailey requested him to return to active service, this time in the position he wanted, Frontline Garrison. Parker accepted, on two conditions, 1) He wanted the Battalions from his old Redwood Regiment transferred under him again, and 2) He wanted his son transferred under his command. Once both those terms were met, General Parker met Legate Indolus's Legionaries outside Blythe, and with his experience, veterans, and use of superior firepower and extreme violence, stopped the Legion in its tracks. By 2300 both side were engaged in a stalemate, the strategic and disciplined mind of Indolus, pitted against the grizzled and violent besieger known as General Edward Parker.
Year of Birth
2222 AD 78 Years old
Aligned Organization


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