Characters Who Need A Portrait in Greland | World Anvil

Characters Who Need A Portrait

This page lists Characters who do not have a Portrait uploaded to their page yet.
For these characters this can only be solved through Out-Of-Character action, either by creating a Heroforge model for the character and an appropriate portrait of that, or by creating artwork of the character.

Aarlis Percier
Abrey Bullen
Addison Merchin
Adelia II Locke
Aemy Waylar
Agatha Karro
Agnes Silva
Agnes Staedmon
Aida Goulsblud
Ainna Falcin-Ford
Alaric Lowblade
Alarina Phyrefenn
Alberet Twelvenstone
Albert Demoke-Stanley
Aldo Lothston
Aldonca Lovell-Percy
Alenis Wayner
Alessandro Bullen
Alexes Aubrey
Alia Redthorn
Alix Tarre
Aliza Cratter
Alora Marchart-Locke
Alson Paege
Altha Hicks
Alvar Blackbar
Alvar Lovell
Alvar Skanler
Alver Rebane
Alysia Fossoway
Alysia Wren
Ambre Blackbar
Anabes Blackwood-Justmann
Anabes Vortane-Lormer
Anera Malv
Anga Percy
Anglin Marchart
Annalys Flitch
Annyte Paege
Anrea Justmann
Antorn Lormer
Anya Yelshire
Aobrey Knotte
Arice Stally
Ariel Twoorb
Arika Fossoway
Arika Waylar
Arlena Bolling
Arnora Tarbor
Arnoult Silva
Arrely Blanetree
Arvin Bothard
Ashlanna Conklyn
Ashlei Vortane
Ashter Massey
Ashter Whitehill
Audrey Stanley
Avya Bonebrake
Ayara Sringer
Aymee Brume-Leonine
Bailin Sawler-Honn
Barb Rebane-Demoke
Barden Bracks
Barden Lormer
Barrian Smith
Barroth Fossoway
Beatrix Demoke-Silva
Bethally Blanetree
Beylee Brume
Beylee Tallman
Blackcliffe Town Guard Unit
Blane Sadlyn
Borin Redstream
Brack Locke-Percier
Braddish Lormer
Brangian Smithe
Brant Chelsted
Breide Demoke
Briden Byrne
Briden Tarlor
Brigitte Paege-Locke
Brinda Velry
Brinna Sringer
Brise Forbes
Brod Blanetree-Wren
Brodin Epper
Brodin Errol
Brother Andagard Deep
Brother Sharad Towerbreaker
Brunn Locke
Bryce Kellington
Byron Errol
Cadwell Locke
Caedwyn Gaunt-Flitch
Captain Alisha Tyren
Captain Amyra Bracks
Captain Annyte Drox
Captain Anysa Wyllam
Captain Ashlanna Hawthorne-Buckwell
Captain Bancey Phyrefenn
Captain Bellario Maliar
Captain Bernyce
Captain Borin
Captain Brennard Blest
Captain Calrinn Swann
Captain Carn Slynt-Granit
Captain Cason Chandyll
Captain Connas Hirston
Captain Devran
Captain Drannyn
Captain Dromin Wayn
Captain Emerson Fletcher
Captain Erock
Captain Evelyne Whitehill
Captain Eyla
Captain Harrald Caerlight
Captain Hugar
Captain Jaena Mooton
Captain Jarack Mertyns
Captain Jarrack Whent
Captain Jorvan
Captain Kathryn Crowlin
Captain Kayise Paege
Captain Keat Forbes
Captain Keyann Eathe
Captain Kinnon
Captain Klissa Costayne
Captain Kyra Leygood
Captain Mariya Bracks
Captain Marya
Captain Maycey Phyrefenn
Captain Mikal Wayn-Hunt
Captain Rechar
Captain Rewen Melcolm
Captain Sanira Peake
Captain Shennen Wayn
Captain Timos Upcliffe
Captain Velda
Carlo Perales
Carrina Ollyn
Cathelyne Wren
Catherine Challinder
Catherine Stivir
Catlin Volmark
Cayle Crow
Celeste Southbay
Celia Lash
Celia Smith
Ceria Rok
Cerise Bergen
Charlin Tarlor
Charlyse Bors
Charres Blanetree
Chrestan Smith
Christor Skanler
Cira Tarlor
Clara Whitehill
Clarrik Durbach
Cliera Aubrey
Colart Silva
Colliff Redthorn
Colrin Blest
Connas Drustan
Connin Lormer
Corbus Brume
Corrad Goulsblud
Corren Bracks
Cristina Bullen
Culler Moreland
Custancia Silva
Dallen Waller
Dalran Honn
Daltis Skanler
Danden Errol
Dannys Locke
Dantis Poole
Darlyne Conklyn
Darvin Tarlor
Daveth Goulsblud
Davis Paege
Davith Greydall
Dearc Bluethorn
Delin Cromwell
Delylah Batler
Delylah Crowler
Denzin Woodwright
Derric Darklyn
Derrin Stanley
Derrock Phyrefenn
Destan Lovell
Deston Paege
Devran Liberr
Diamanta Locke
Donato Bullen
Dorthy Hewlett, Captain of the Merry Maiden
Dougas Forall
Dovan Justmann
Dramon Fossoway
Drannyl Durrandon
Dumaine Stanley-Cromwell
Duncas Drustan
Dyana Whitehill
Dyanna Durbach-Vortane
Dyanna Lash-Batler
Dylan Vaele
Edgarth Blest
Elayne Buckhaill
Elayne Hespeak
Elbira Lovell
Elen Blackmyre
Eliyah Cherman
Elize Blanetree
Elize Flitch
Ellisha Durbach
Elmae Rebane
Elras the Wanderer
Elrie Wayner
Elsebeth Cromwell-Demoke
Emely Bolling
Emely Ollyn
Emmelyne Deddings
Enith Twelvenstone
Enota Percy
Entan Haynes
Erac Ollyn


Story Points
Military Units
Useful Lists


Player Characters

Lady Ophelia Foxworth-Hayford
Lady Terin Gaunt-Foxworth
ser Mattheo Foxworth
Colrin Blest
King Tyon I Cray
Sigrid Ashwood
ser Allon Stormborn
ser Odric Vortane
Lord Tylan Hewlett
ser Callor Perryn
ser Ashtin Phyrefenn
The War For The Foxworth Secession 454KS

Player Settlements

The Settlement Creation System
Settlement Management Sessions
Settlement Conquest
Greater Stallken


Player Councils

Anatomy of a Ruling Council
Royal Council
The Duchal Council of House Foxworth
The Council of Southbay
The Duchal Council of House Southbay
The Council of Greater Stallken



The Continent of Greland
The Kingdom of Hillhurst
The Kingdom of Rotheval
The Kingdom of Irogonie
The Lamas Plains
The Swamps of Baycotte
The Kingdom of Somercrag
The Foxworth Duchy
The Blackbar Duchy
The Skanler Duchy
The Gaunt Duchy
The Southbay Duchy
The City of Southbay
The Hayford Duchy
The Continent of Amoth


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