Characters Who Need A Squire in Greland | World Anvil

Characters Who Need A Squire

This page lists characters who need a Squire.
For most of these cases, this can either be solved through In-Character action, by matching a child of appropriate age and personality to one of these knights, or through Out-Of-Character action, by creating a new child of appropriate age to fill the position.
For characters who have previously been squires and become knights, look instead at Characters Who Need Their Knighthood Defined or List of Squires by Year of Beginning and Ending Training.  

King Tobias Shadowrider
Lord Commander Jarrak Crowlin
Prince Emerson Arturson
ser Abagal Skinner
ser Aina Forbes
ser Aline Rocke
ser Allon Stormborn
ser Ammet Haynes
ser Andren Lash
ser Aniza Marsh
ser Anne Frosher
ser Arin Upcliffe
ser Ashlanna Rok-Peake
ser Ashlanna Sringer-Thicketh
ser Ashtin Phyrefenn
ser Bailin Foler
ser Barbenna Knotte
ser Berthold Durbach
ser Bethally Aubrey
ser Birch Malv
ser Blythe Queensmen
ser Bob O'Cleireigh
ser Braddish Bors
ser Braddock Goulsblud
ser Bramble Epper
ser Brandis Prester
ser Brawley Berg
ser Brealla Parsin-Hunt
ser Bredgit Oldflowers-Velvinius
ser Brody Penge
ser Camyla Nayland
ser Carreth Conklyn
ser Chlowee Yew
ser Clarrik Bors
ser Clemendia Brask
ser Cody Stivir-Karro
ser Corrad Stanlire
ser Cyrus Forbes-Frosher
ser Dander Bulwer
ser Dander Phyrefenn
ser Dannya Phyrefenn
ser Darlyne Fyshe
ser Darrik Schylde
ser Dawsin Lowblade-Bartholomeo
ser Derrick Quay
ser Destrey Flitch
ser Dillon Liddle
ser Dilron Forall
ser Dilron Locke
ser Dorran Wren
ser Dwyer Roxton
ser Dyanne Peake-Locke
ser Eddin Blanetree
ser Edeline Blackbar
ser Egbert Lovell
ser Elden Nalor
ser Elixon Flitch
ser Elrie Berg-Shiphard
ser Elton Slaite
ser Elysande Haynes
ser Elyse Paxtan
ser Fegrin Pars
ser Franxis Flitch
ser Gabal Vance-Winement
ser Gabielle Taynor
ser Gilpin Riviere
ser Gurnar Upcliffe-Reed
ser Helenys Hetherspoon
ser Helenys Sringer
ser Herrath Deverel
ser Inga Hornwood
ser Ivvar Bonebrake
ser Jadith Clere
ser Jaesse Saltcliffe
ser Jakor Rok
ser Jaron Bulwer
ser Jarson Keath
ser Jasline Amberrock-Malv
ser Jerrar Sringer
ser Joran Upcliffe
ser Jorlyn II Stivir
ser Jorran Twelvenstone
ser Jorvan Follard
ser Karden Hawthorne
ser Kartis Apperford
ser Kartis Epper
ser Kean Hamell
ser Kerith Greydall-Blackmyre
ser Kerrith Oakley
ser Keynna Sargen
ser Khort Merser
ser Kiara Jast
ser Laina Ofield-Falcin
ser Laisa Lash
ser Landor Upcliffe-Rocke
ser Lannia Toyne
ser Laoren Strong
ser Lerris Whitehill
ser Linly Staedmon
ser Luras Forall
ser Maellery Blackwood
ser Maellery Conklyn
ser Malrik Caul
ser Mannrel Peake
ser Maralynn Slaite
ser Marvion Stackspear
ser Mavrock Malv
ser Maycey Lowblade-Blest
ser Meya Slynt-Phyrefenn
ser Mitchar Hespeak
ser Mortin Bettley
ser Myle Bergen
ser Myna Parsin
ser Mysa Bulwer
ser Natari Bailer
ser Neina Flint
ser Nestor Buckhaill
ser Nira Liddle
ser Nithan Challinder
ser Nyla Skinner
ser Olof Bonebrake
ser Orestina Slaite-Halch
ser Orwen Stivir
ser Ragnor Bolling
ser Rana Furrow
ser Ricard O'Cleireigh
ser Robart Paege
ser Rodnar Blackbar
ser Rody Wren
ser Roland Blacke
ser Roley Cimber
ser Rolf Locke
ser Rydan Oldflowers
ser Rylen Cannion
ser Serena Maltis
ser Serion Amberrock
ser Sheran Percier
ser Shett Blackcliffe
ser Stelsa Smithe
ser Tatjana Darklyn
ser Theodal Reed
ser Tiffally Strong
ser Timos Follard
ser Tiyana Epper-Slaite
ser Tomas Chandler
ser Trysta Hutter
ser Tyral Batler
ser Valentianus Lowblade
ser Valeri Doggett
ser Virginie Southbay-Locke
ser Warreck Haerd
ser Winward Rowntree


Story Points
Military Units
Useful Lists


Player Characters

Lady Ophelia Foxworth-Hayford
Lady Terin Gaunt-Foxworth
ser Mattheo Foxworth
Colrin Blest
King Tyon I Cray
Sigrid Ashwood
ser Allon Stormborn
ser Odric Vortane
Lord Tylan Hewlett
ser Callor Perryn
ser Ashtin Phyrefenn
The War For The Foxworth Secession 454KS

Player Settlements

The Settlement Creation System
Settlement Management Sessions
Settlement Conquest
Greater Stallken


Player Councils

Anatomy of a Ruling Council
Royal Council
The Duchal Council of House Foxworth
The Council of Southbay
The Duchal Council of House Southbay
The Council of Greater Stallken



The Continent of Greland
The Kingdom of Hillhurst
The Kingdom of Rotheval
The Kingdom of Irogonie
The Lamas Plains
The Swamps of Baycotte
The Kingdom of Somercrag
The Foxworth Duchy
The Blackbar Duchy
The Skanler Duchy
The Gaunt Duchy
The Southbay Duchy
The City of Southbay
The Hayford Duchy
The Continent of Amoth


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