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Summer Camp 2024

July Festivities

July is always a whirlwind of a month, on World Anvil and in real life. Birthdays, anniversaries, family time, and Cheyenne Frontier Days keep me on my toes as I also try to complete one of my absolute favorite events on World Anvil.   For those that don't know, I jumped in head first to all things World Anvil on July 15, 2019, completing Summer Camp with only 15 days to achieve silver. I have never looked back and am so ready to start my 6th! Summer Camp in Isekai.   Last year we moved houses right before Summer Camp and this year, I'm changing jobs which hopefully will give me more time to write as much as I want to as I blast music and hang out with our new pup!  
Summer Camp Prep Month will hopefully be a little smoother this year and I can delve into some clean up that has been waiting awhile, such as sorting out categories and finishing up stubs as always. Homework 1 was finished in record time and I hope I can keep the motivation flowing straight through July to the very end.   After the restructuring of Isekai back in 2021, I plan to use Summer Camp this year to fill in more neglected parts of the world. With over 1800 articles created and over 800,000 words written, there are still parts of Isekai that are lacking and I want to fill out as many stub articles as I can and add dimension to the world that we have worked so hard on.

SC24 Pledge

My Summer Camp pledge is to write amazing articles to fill out the world of Isekai while having fun and not burning out! For the fifth year in a row, I will be attempting Diamond.
SC24 Pledge
Generic article | Jul 1, 2024

RiverFang's Pledge Document for Summer Camp 2024!

Follow Isekai to keep up with all the new updates and my Summer Camp adventure!


Copper Prompts

SC 2024 Copper Badge by World Anvil

Silver Prompts

SC 2024 Silver Badge by World Anvil

Gold Prompts

SC 2024 Gold Badge by World Anvil

Wildcard Prompts

by World Anvil

Articles under Summer Camp 2024

Cover image: by World Anvil


Author's Notes

Have any feedback or questions about this challenge article? Discuss it in the Challenges board!

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Jun 3, 2024 03:02 by Jaime Buckley

Wow. This is beautifully formatted. I'm going to love watching this fill out =) Good luck!!!

Storyteller, Cartoonist,..pretty awesome friend =)
Subscribe to Life of Fiction to see the live results of all this worldbuilding.
Jun 9, 2024 16:14 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Good luck, River! :D The Cheyenne Frontier thing sounds wild!

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