Meriele Trabalar

Trade Attaché to Ilyria

An elven aristocrat, Meriele is a member of the Thyrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

Born in Eseth Anore, Meriele's parents were members of the Ordo Altum. Coming of age during the Great Revolt, Eseth Anore was ravaged by war. Following the war, Meriele joined the Thyrian civil service, dedicating herself to rebuilding Morenthyr.  

Civil Service

Sharing similar ideals to the Emperor-Regent Oluien Trismaris, Meriele has served in a variety of capacities. Her efforts were instrumental in the expansion of halfling rights within Morenthyr in the 1380s, as well as preventing a full-blown war from breaking out in the Disputed Lands in 1415.  

Tirish Myr

Following Tirish Myr's independence from the Demarchy, it has been politically isolated. Morenthyr remained its only international supporter, with a small elven contingent acting as ambassadors and military advisers during its long siege. In 1434, Meriele was appointed as an ambassador to Tirish Myr, but was captured by Ilyrian forces loyal to Duke Lorcan. Thrown into a prison, she was rescued by an enterprising band of adventurers.   In exchange for a favor from a veteran monk, Meriele agreed to accompany the adeventurers to Tirish Myr. She assisted in evacuating the surviving inhabitants from the mountain following the Calamity. Later, she accompanied the survivors to the Ettrian Heights along the border of Morenthyr.  


Upon returning to Morenthyr, Meriele was assigned as a trade attache to Calydon, serving at the Thyrian embassy there. While ostensibly there to promote trade between the two nations, her role was much more focused on intelligence gathering.
Year of Birth
1322 EE 133 Years old
Eseth Anore
Current Residence
Aligned Organization


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