Sorren Blaze

Captain Sorren Blaze (a.k.a. The Scourge of the Sea)

Sorren Blaze is a handsome, mighty and fierce warrior and sailor who spends much of his life at sea with his crew. He was the mind behind the original large ship that was able to safely and effectively sail the sea, making a massive change in the flow of trade, travel and warfare. Sorren is father to Noah Blaze and former lover of Nyla Octin. He currently hails as the Captain of the Maiden's Breach, and has multiple other vessels under his command. Formerly a follower of Heir The God of Gods as a Porter, he now has an alliance with Daven Jones the Kraken Titan of the sea and is channeled alongside his remaining fleet with abilities of their patron.

Physical Description

Body Features

Sorren has a tall and muscular frame with handsome features. His larger frame does not impede his movements as he is able to move with quick speed even when bearing heavier armor.

Special abilities

Sorren possesses mana shared with him from the great beast Daven Jones. Allowing him and his entire crew to shift their bodies to be larger and sharklike, causing enough fear among any of their foes.

Specialized Equipment

Sorren's iconic boots are massive, and heavy three inch heeled boots that are meant to cause the most noise with every step he makes. His faithful blade, Justice, is always at his side dripping with sea water and giving the appearance of coral growing off of it.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

At a young and impressionable age Sorren lived within an outskirt settlement near the city of Davenport. His father worked as a fisherman, always out upon the narrow coast acquiring fish to sell to the locals. Da, as Sorren and his siblings referred to him, would always tell stories about the great beast known as Daven Jones that lurked deep out into the ocean. Always had he believed this creature to exist and always dreamed of being the one to find him. His mother would stay at home, working as a seamstress while raising her three children. One day while out upon his boat, a massive storm rolled in causing much destruction within the settlement and Da was assumed lost at sea.   A short while later his home was attacked by a band of monsters causing an increased havoc and chaos within the small village. Sorren was barely able to survive himself, he sat alone in a room awaiting for the monsters to attack him next. Helpless and insignificant, until a shining force burst through the wall, the Paladin of the Monastery of Heir's Reign stood within the frame of the door. Making little effort of the monsters and effectively saving the newly orphaned Sorren.   This event sparked a change in Sorren that would lead him down the path of Heir. Making his way up the ranks of the porters where he would call home until adulthood. Many years later he would go on to meet Arlo Devine which was the catalyst to his life taking another turn.   Sorren's first task in no longer being a squire was to seek out a coven of hags that had been operating secretly within Cyril. Arlo had been tasked to accompany the young Sorren on this mission as someone more familiar with the area. The two were successful in completing their mission in eliminating the coven from their lair and saving the lives of children the hags had captured in the process. This was their first meeting but it would not be their last.   Years later Sorren continued to follow within the ranks of the Porters. During the time of the Hammer's Fall, Sorren and his mentor Jason Wood were on their way to the new city of Hammerfall, then known as Fall Lake, where they were to escort King Frederick Lionhart back to Davenport after the Lunamani Festival. It was here that he found Arlo Devine just after striking Nirra The Abomination.   Together they created the first vessel capable to transport across the sea. Leading them to The Gauntlet where they would free Eckerd Lionhart. During their trip Sorren met Nyla Octin where a relationship began to build between the two. Given the current attack on Fall Lake, Sorren knew bringing an Elfar back to Davenport would not be the most ideal, and even though she was not responsible or had any involvement with the attack, she would be held just as accountable. He then sent Arlo, Lucy, and Nyla on a row boat up river for them to get away.   He soon gave passage to King Frederick to Daco in order to meet with the Nogmin on a diplomatic trip to discuss war efforts. Upon returning to Daco he met with Arlo, Lucy and Nyla. His trip here did not go quite as expected, and after seeing his life more clearly his faith began to waiver. He felt a calling to something deep within the water and the ship was sunk by a massive tentacled creature, sinking the ship and the entire crew with it. His first real meeting with Daven Jones then led to him accepting a life of freedom at sea, newfound abillities, and the only tithe was to find stones of mana and lay them deep within the ocean.   With these newfound abilities, he alongside Arlo and the Knights of Devine gave aid to the Dwarv and aided them in taking back Revnastad from the Elfar and played a further pivotal role in transferring troops to the northlands to fight in the war and final efforts to defeat Draconis Legion.   After the war Sorren took efforts to engage his crew and grow. He began brewing his own rum and used his own ships under his command to disperse and trade these goods among others throughout Shularix. His son, Noah Blaze, would travel with him much out of the year but the life on the sea was not the one for a child, and he would find other arrangements with Arlo Devine for him to stay to give him his best chance at surviving on his own.


Family Ties


Sorren Blaze


Towards Nyla Octin


Nyla Octin


Towards Sorren Blaze


Honorary & Occupational Titles
Captain Sorren Blaze, Master of the Maiden's Breach.
Year of Birth
807 N.E. 44 Years old
Nyla Octin (Wife)
Short and dark
6'5", 6'8" with his boots