Ashfalls Organization in Marhalla | World Anvil
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The province of Ashfalls was created to give the Oreads a home away from home after evacuating the elemental plane of earth in order to escape the cataclysm occurring there. Sunreach provided some assistance to the Oreads in establishing New Stoneshore, the capital city of the province of Ashfalls. The surface of Ashfalls is ruined from conflict that happened years before, but the underground is suitable for habitation by the Oreads and earth elementals. Ashfalls follows the Constitution of Sunreach, but Gatiayara is allowed a significant amount of leeway due to the benefits she has provided the kingdom in surviving the tumultuous early years.

Demography and Population

Oreads make up the vast majority of citizens living in Ashfalls. The second largest portion of the population is earth elementals that came with the oreads. There are only a few other races that live in Ashfalls such as the dwarves, but most humans and elven races stay away preferring the open skies of their above ground cities.
Geopolitical, Province
Power Structure
Dependent territory
Parent Organization


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