Northmarch Organization in Marhalla | World Anvil
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Northmarch is one of the most desolate of the provinces. The northern portion of Northmarch is covered in a swamp and is not suited for habitation. On the border of the swamp sits the fort of Kislev and the Hellknight stronghold of New Erebus. The Hellknights are a boogeyman of many of the citizens of Sunreach and their methods of punishment for crimes are thought to be some of the worst ways to die. Only the worst criminals of Sunreach are sent to New Erebus and are a threat for the rest to stay in line. New Erebus and the hellknights are only enforcers in Northmarch and the province of Barathord. The march on the road to Kislev from Castington is a long one for criminals in Sunreach as they know the fate that waits them   In the foothills of the Troll Crags sit Cragfoot, a worker camp which mines the rich iron veins in the hills. The camp is filthy and dirty, but provide good work for those who need it or to force criminals to work there to pay off their crimes. Cragfoot is considered to be a village, but doesn't have the standard amenities that most villages have. Cragfoot is the only settlement in Northmarch and as such is the only source of income of the province barring the few hunters who go into the plains and swamp of the province.   Northmarch has the lowest population of the provinces that has an official Sunreach settlement in it, yet the iron mine is extremely lucrative and provides a necessary production of iron for Sunreach as it used to only be imported from the Redlands. Northmarch is the most exposed province to the giants coming down from the troll crags. The province is protected by two forts, but even then not many legionnaires are currently stationed there. The province is difficult to navigate due to the swamps in the north restricting troop movement and as such are usually are not directed through there.
Geopolitical, Province
Power Structure
Dependent territory
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories

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