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Materia 32: "Sora's Comet, Part III"

General Summary

Split by an earthquake and unexpected avalanche, Mari is knocked unconscious and speaks with Sora Anzai. Waking after being rescued from suffocation by a dwarf soldier, Mari declines Aiwin's proposition for recruitment, triggering a duel. Below, Hanako and Yvri fight Tradoth, Medora, and Nazar, with the conflict eventually drawing in Mari and Aiwin as well. Narrowly escaping with a victory, the larger battle near Narasaki is soon won thanks to a Velrini flank.   Subaru Akimoto alludes to the successful destruction of many of Aiwin Thedan's clones. Faced with a difficult choice of whether to enact revenge on the Mithril Company using the Comet's power, Mari declines and constructs a grave for the unlikely friend who saved her. Back in Seito, the party reunites again with the their loved ones, reveling in victory.


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