Derrycairn Woods

The Derrycairn Woods stretch across the northern reaches of the Isle of Llywelyn, a dense and untamed forest that has long been feared by locals. The woods are overrun with feral lycanthropes, making them a place of constant danger, where the howls of wolves echo through the trees, and the underbrush is thick with signs of predatory creatures lurking just out of sight. The forest itself is ancient, with towering oaks and pines whose branches intertwine to form a dark canopy, allowing only sparse sunlight to filter through. The deeper one ventures, the more oppressive the atmosphere becomes, with the very air seeming to hum with wild magic and menace.   Though the Derrycairn Woods are perilous, they form a natural boundary between the moors to the south and the port city of Blancmill to the west, the capital of the Kingdom of Llywelyn. The city's proximity to the woods means that patrols are regularly sent to guard against the lycanthrope threat, though even seasoned soldiers are wary of venturing too deep into the forest. The woods are also said to be home to ancient fey creatures, spirits tied to the land who have retreated into its depths as the feral lycanthropes spread across the region. While some brave adventurers and hunters enter the woods in search of rare herbs or fabled treasures, most who go in do not return, leading to numerous legends about cursed groves and haunted clearings.
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