Tallhide Marsh

The Tallhyde Marsh stretches to the west of the Heathmoors on the Isle of Llywelyn, a vast, sprawling wetland where mist rises from the waters at dawn and dusk, shrouding the landscape in an ethereal haze. The marsh is named for the towering reeds and grasses that grow along its many winding channels and murky pools, some reaching as high as a man’s shoulders. The land is treacherous and difficult to navigate, with deep bogs and hidden sinkholes that can swallow a traveler whole. The waters are dark and still, broken only by the occasional ripple of a creature lurking beneath the surface. Tales of strange, fey-touched creatures living in the marsh are common, and many of the locals believe the marsh is haunted by spirits of those who drowned there long ago, as well as packs of feral lycanthropes that have strayed here from the Heathmoors.   Despite its dangers, the Tallhyde Marsh is a place of quiet beauty, with its eerie stillness and the distant calls of waterbirds that seem to echo forever. Fishermen and herbalists from nearby villages sometimes brave the marsh’s fringes to gather rare plants or fish in the deeper pools, but few venture far. At night, strange lights are said to flicker across the marsh, leading travelers astray, and the deep croaking of unseen creatures creates an unsettling atmosphere. Some claim that hidden within the marsh are forgotten ruins or fey portals, places where the boundary between the mortal world and the Feywild weakens, but finding such places can be a deadly endeavor. Those who wander too deep into the marsh often do not return.
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