
The Heathmoors on the Isle of Llywelyn are a bleak and windswept expanse, shrouded in mist that clings to the low hills and barren plains. The moors stretch for miles, dotted with patches of dense heather and gnarled trees that seem to grow twisted and crooked under the weight of ancient magic. The ground beneath is often soft and treacherous, making travel difficult, and the ever-present fog reduces visibility, creating an eerie and isolating atmosphere. The Heathmoors are notorious for being overrun with feral lycanthropes—creatures twisted by curse and bloodlust, who roam the wilds in packs, hunting any who dare to venture into their territory.   The moors are said to be cursed, a place where the boundary between the mortal world and the darker fey realms is thin. Old standing stones, carved with runes long forgotten, can occasionally be seen rising from the mist, adding to the unsettling nature of the land. The people of the nearby village of Hofsa speak in hushed tones about the moors, warning travelers to avoid the area, especially at night when the howls of wolves echo through the fog. While the moors offer rich hunting grounds and some rare herbs, only the most desperate or daring venture into the Heathmoors, risking not only the feral lycanthropes but the dark fey spirits said to haunt the land.
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