Dhun Tarum

Dhun Tarum, nestled deep within the northern reaches of the Uldhir Peaks, is a dwarven city of immense fortitude and craftsmanship. Carved directly into the mountain’s rock, the city is a testament to dwarven resilience and ingenuity. Its towering gates, hewn from solid stone and reinforced with intricate metalwork, stand as a barrier between the harsh, untamed wilderness outside and the safety within. The city’s walls are adorned with runes of protection, their magic woven into the very stone to ward off the many dangers that prowl the mountains, from giants to marauding Orc tribes.   Inside Dhun Tarum, the city opens into a network of vast halls and chambers, all connected by wide, winding tunnels lit by glowing gemstones embedded in the walls. The architecture reflects the dwarves’ deep connection to the earth, with sturdy columns and arches decorated with carvings of ancient dwarven legends and symbols of their gods. In the heart of the city is the Grand Forge, the lifeblood of Dhun Tarum’s economy and culture. Here, master blacksmiths and artisans work tirelessly, crafting weapons, armor, and goods that are renowned across the Moontide Isles for their quality and durability. The clang of hammer on anvil echoes through the forges day and night, a constant reminder of the dwarves' industry and skill.   Beneath the city lies an extensive network of mines and tunnels, where the dwarves extract valuable minerals and gemstones from the depths of the Uldhir Peaks. These mines are not without danger, as the lower levels are prone to raids from orc tribes or the occasional incursion from the giants that roam the mountains. The dwarves of Dhun Tarum, however, are well-prepared for such threats, with their formidable defenses and skilled warriors ever ready to defend their home. The city’s warriors are trained from a young age, their mastery of axes and hammers legendary, and their halls are filled with the trophies of battles fought against the orcs, giants, and other foes.   Though the city is isolated within the mountains, Dhun Tarum maintains strong trade connections with the rest of the Isle of Llywelyn and beyond. Caravans of goods, from expertly crafted weapons to rare gemstones, regularly make the perilous journey through the Uldhir Peaks to reach the lowlands. Visitors to Dhun Tarum are often struck by the contrast between the cold, rugged exterior of the mountains and the warmth and light of the city’s great halls. It is a place where tradition and strength are woven into every stone, and where the dwarves remain ever-vigilant, knowing that their survival depends on their unity and their unbreakable bond with the mountains they call home.
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