
Conrad Quillwright

Archeologist, Druid.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Conrad Quillwright is a rugged individual, his body molded by the physical demands of his archaeological endeavors. His build is lean and muscular, but not overly bulky, resembling more the physique of a long-distance runner than a weightlifter. His broad shoulders and strong arms are testament to many hours spent wielding excavation tools, and his solid legs indicate a lifestyle of constant movement and exploration. His hands are calloused and strong, used to handling artifacts with care despite their rough exterior. His skin is tanned, weathered from countless hours under the sun, giving him a hearty and resilient appearance. The presence of an orange gem embedded in the right side of his chest adds a mystical aspect to his physique, its glow casting an intriguing light on his defined features.

Body Features

1. Eyes: Conrad’s eyes are a vibrant green, displaying intelligence, curiosity, and hinting at a depth of untold stories. They are a window to his adventurous spirit and unquenchable thirst for knowledge. 2. Hands: Conrad’s hands are well-worn and calloused, signs of many years spent wielding excavation tools, handling delicate artifacts, and enduring the rigors of outdoor work. 3. Chest: The most unique and mystical feature of Conrad’s body is the orange gem embedded in the right side of his chest. This gem radiates a gentle warmth, and from it, small motes of flame-like lights orbit around him, a visible manifestation of his newfound magical abilities. 4. Facial Hair: He sports a well-groomed, short beard that frames his strong jawline, adding a rugged appeal to his countenance. 5. Hair: His hair is a dusty brown, kept short for practicality. It’s often tousled from the wind or a hard day’s work, adding to his adventurous aura. 6. Physique: Conrad’s overall physique is lean and toned. His broad shoulders, muscular arms, and firm legs are testament to a lifestyle spent in physical exertion and constant movement. 7. Skin: His skin is tanned and weathered, reflecting countless hours under the sun and a lifConrad’s face is angular, yet not overly harsh, and it carries a weathered look that speaks of time spent under the sun and the elements. His eyes, a captivating green, sparkle with intelligence and the insatiable curiosity of a scholar. They are the eyes of someone who has seen mysteries, wonders, and challenges, yet they still retain the gleam of an explorer eager to uncover what’s next.   His nose, slightly crooked from an old break, adds character to his face and stands as a testament to his adventurous lifestyle. Above the strong, sculpted line of his jaw sits a well-groomed, short beard that provides a rugged contrast to his scholarly demeanor. It is kept neat, a nod to his disciplined nature.   His dusty brown hair, cut short for practicality, often falls onto his forehead, sometimes partially obscuring his thoughtful gaze. His smile, though rarely fully unleashed, can light up his entire face, softening his otherwise serious appearance.   The overall impression is of a man with a rugged exterior, tempered by an unmistakable air of intellectual curiosity and a gentle, understated kindness. The mystical orange gem that is embedded in his chest, visible above the collar of his shirt, adds a captivating and mysterious aspect to his facial features, the motes of light reflecting off his face and dancing in his eyes.e exposed to the elements. Despite this, his skin holds a healthy glow, symbolizing his resilient nature.

Facial Features

Conrad’s face is angular, yet not overly harsh, and it carries a weathered look that speaks of time spent under the sun and the elements. His eyes, a captivating green, sparkle with intelligence and the insatiable curiosity of a scholar. They are the eyes of someone who has seen mysteries, wonders, and challenges, yet they still retain the gleam of an explorer eager to uncover what’s next.   His nose, slightly crooked from an old break, adds character to his face and stands as a testament to his adventurous lifestyle. Above the strong, sculpted line of his jaw sits a well-groomed, short beard that provides a rugged contrast to his scholarly demeanor. It is kept neat, a nod to his disciplined nature.   His dusty brown hair, cut short for practicality, often falls onto his forehead, sometimes partially obscuring his thoughtful gaze. His smile, though rarely fully unleashed, can light up his entire face, softening his otherwise serious appearance.   The overall impression is of a man with a rugged exterior, tempered by an unmistakable air of intellectual curiosity and a gentle, understated kindness. The mystical orange gem that is embedded in his chest, visible above the collar of his shirt, adds a captivating and mysterious aspect to his facial features, the motes of light reflecting off his face and dancing in his eyes.

Identifying Characteristics

1. Glowing Orange Gem: The most noticeable feature is the glowing orange gem embedded on the right side of Conrad’s chest. Emitting a warm light, this gem not only feeds off his anger, but also generates fire-like motes that swirl around him, particularly when he employs his powers. This gem sets him apart from others, and is a constant reminder of his remarkable transformation. 2. Firefly-like Motes: The tiny motes of fire that occasionally circle Conrad give him a truly unique presence. These motes, moving like electrons around an atom, participate in his spellcasting, creating a captivating display. 3. Field Clothes and Leather Armor: Despite his transition to a druid, Conrad’s clothing reflects his practical and adventurous spirit. He dresses in rugged field clothes suitable for a scholar exploring ancient ruins, reinforced with the added protection of well-worn leather armor. 4. Hazel Eyes: Conrad’s eyes are a distinct hazel color, hinting at his intelligence and curiosity. Bright and captivating, they reveal his insatiable thirst for knowledge and the secrets he has encountered.

Physical quirks

1. Fire Motes: One of the most intriguing aspects of Conrad is the way his fire motes behave. These seemingly sentient specks of light match his emotional state, and most notably, they move slower than feels natural when he’s deep in thought, as if mirroring his cognitive processes. This unique feature gives an intuitive observer insight into his mental state, even without him saying a word. 2. Hair Brushing Habit: Conrad has a habit of running his right hand through his hair, pushing it back especially when he is focused, agitated, or trying to compose his thoughts. This repetitive gesture, though subtle, is a clear sign of his contemplative nature and habitual mannerisms.

Special abilities

1. Wildfire Spirit Summoning: Conrad has the ability to summon a primal spirit of wildfire. This creature, a manifestation of nature’s destructive and renewing powers, aids him in his quests. It can assist in combat, bolster healing spells, and even teleport Conrad and his allies over short distances. 2. Flame-Based Spells: Conrad has a repertoire of spells, most of which have been adapted to align with his wildfire affinity. These spells often involve his motes of flame, which fly around him like electrons around an atomic nucleus. The motes can provide the fire for damage-dealing spells, circle around his hand to cast Produce Flame, or land on an individual to heal them using a Cure Wounds spell. 3. Ability to Communicate with Animals: Like many druids, Conrad has the ability to speak with animals. With the use of his motes, he can establish a deeper bond with them, allowing for more complex communication and interaction. 4. Natural Resilience: As a druid, Conrad has a certain resilience to the harsh conditions of the wilderness. He can withstand difficult environments and harsh weather that would hinder others, and he has a natural aptitude for surviving in the wild. 5. Druidic Rituals: Conrad is well-versed in druidic rituals and rites. He can invoke these to accomplish a variety of effects, from predicting the weather to purifying food and water. These rituals further enhance his utility

Apparel & Accessories

Conrad typically dresses in rugged and practical field clothes, suitable for both an archaeologist and a budding druid. His outfit usually consists of a sturdy shirt of earth-toned color, tough canvas trousers, and durable leather boots, all chosen for both comfort and protection during his explorations.   Over his basic clothing, Conrad dons a worn but well-crafted leather armor vest. The vest provides him with necessary protection without restricting his movements, making it an excellent choice for someone involved in both combat and meticulous archaeological work.   In addition to his practical clothing and armor, there are a few distinctive features that mark his outfit as uniquely Conrad’s:   1. Singed Shoulders: Despite his best efforts to control them, his fire motes occasionally land on his clothes, causing slight singeing, particularly around his shoulders. This gives his clothing a slightly charred look and adds an element of the mystical to his otherwise scholarly appearance. 2. Field Tools: Even after the transformative event, Conrad carries a variety of field tools typical of an archaeologist, such as brushes, small trowels, and notepads, often in pockets or strapped to his belt. These tools not only serve his scholarly pursuits, but also stand as a testament to his prior life and continuing passion for uncovering the secrets of history.   In summary, Conrad’s attire is a fusion of practicality and singularity, reflecting his journey from an archaeologist to a druid, while still holding on to his original passion for history and exploration.

Archeologist. Druid.

View Character Profile

"Ruins, Revelations, and the Road to Greenest"
16th of Flamerule, 1486

Day 1:   Arrived near Greenest today, en route to possibly uncover what happened to Professor Eilron Silverquill and my excavation team. My journey here is a mix of trepidation and hope, with the weight of their disappearances heavy on my mind. Just before sunset, I stumbled upon old castle ruins erupting in chaos. Two figures (or was it three?) scrambled out moments before its collapse. Their exit seemed desperate, as if the very ground beneath them was betraying their trust.   Upon closer inspection, the duo consisted of a half-orc warrior and a hooded elf, possibly shadar-kai. Initially suspicious, I managed to connect with them, learning of a third elf member. The tales they shared! Almost unbelievable if I hadn't witnessed the ruins collapse myself. They're sticking around in hope that their missing comrade, Gawainel, might yet emerge. Tomorrow, we're to Greenest together – always safer in numbers. Feels good to be part of a team again.   Day 2:   Shared my purpose of visiting Greenest with my new companions. I'm perhaps not the most charismatic, but I've a knack for reading people, and this group seems genuine.   Day 3:   The sight of Greenest from a hill was alarming. The town was under siege, with a dragon casting shadows and fire. As we approached, a wounded man named Tam Minog sought our help. I did what I could, summoning those goodberries the druid taught me about.   It's perplexing – our wood elf companion keeps disappearing. As we ventured down, we encountered a trio of kobolds and an ambush drake attacking a house. The half-orc, with his massive battleaxe, and Tristain with his arcane energy, dealt significant damage. I tried assisting with my fire motes, but achieved only minimal effect. Mysteriously, arrows began striking from the house's roof – that elusive wood elf!   Later, we saved a family from a group of kidnapper kobolds. That nimble elf? Climbing a roof again.   We snuck into the besieged keep of Greenest via a sewer grate. After dealing with some pesky rats, we met Drake Nagus, a wizard, who introduced us to Escobert the Red (yes, he had a red beard) and Governor Nighthill, among others. They sought our aid to reach a temple harboring town refugees. The temple was under the care of Eadyan Falconmoon, a Chauntea priest.   Closer inspection of the menacing dragon revealed it might be Lennithon, known to hail from the mountains.   Night faded into dawn as we ambushed foes trying to burn down the temple. The crew's prowess was evident. Grok, in his fierce might, Tristain's eerie teleportation, and the elf's lightning speed. I unleashed Fyren, my fiery spirit companion, in the fray.   As we battled inside and outside the temple, we suffered a single townsperson's loss but managed to thwart the attackers. I’ve taken a peculiar mask and sword from a cultist leader to research later.   Upon our return to the keep, it seems our duties here aren't done.   Eilron, where in the world are you?