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Northern Reaches

"In the annals of Murian history, the Northern Reaches stand as a testament to both the resilience and the peril of mortal endeavors. Bounded by treacherous mountains to the north and the verdant expanses of the Midlands to the south, this region has long been a crucible of strife, survival, and ancient mysteries. From the towering spires of the Quaritus Plateau, once revered by the Eisir people, to the icy tundra of Arcreach, where kingdoms have risen and fallen amid the howling winds of the Midnight Star's corruption, the Northern Reaches bear the scars of countless conflicts and cataclysms. Amidst these rugged landscapes, the Kingdom of Ulstedt guards its borders against the encroaching darkness, while the Valley of the Ancients harbors the secrets of a bygone era beneath the watchful gaze of the Dwarven Sovereign.    Yet, even as the Midnight Horde prowls the shadowed valleys and the echoes of ancient wars linger in the air, the people of the Northern Reaches endure, bound by kinship, tradition, and a shared determination to carve out their destiny amidst the chaos wrought by the cosmos."  
- Intro to "The Frozen North" Maurice Garland, Head Archivist of the Crystallis Clock Tower
  The Northern Reaches are a vast and treacherous expanse of land encompassing the entire northern part of the Murian continent. Known for its harsh climates, ancient histories, and enduring kingdoms, this region is a land where life struggles to battle for survival.


The Northern Reaches are characterized by their rugged terrain, featuring towering mountain ranges, deep valleys, dense forests, and expansive tundras. The climate is predominantly cold, with long, harsh winters and short, cool summers. The region is divided into four main subregions: Quaritus Plateau, Arcreach, Verdant Vale, and the Valley of the Ancients.       Quaritus Plateau
Encompasses the northernmost point of the Murian continent. More commonly known as the "Point of No Return," this mountain range is infamous for its numerous jagged peaks, treacherous cliffs and deep valleys, now heavily influenced by the crash site of the Midnight Star. The once-unique ecosystem has been transformed into a crystalline wasteland infested by Midnight Shards and the otherworldly lifeforms that have proliferated. The environment makes it a challenge to live in; the only recorded civilization to have made the Plateau their home is the ancient Eisir people, who disappeared during the Great Flood. Nowadays, the Quaritus Plateau is strictly guarded and monitored by Arcreach and the King's Chasm due to the ever-present threat of the Midnight Horde.   Arcreach
Situated in the eastern side of the Northern Reaches, north of the Gaural Plains and the Iron Marches. Named after the Kingdom of Arcreach, this subregion features vast tundras, snowy landscapes, coniferous forests, towering mountains, and frigid ice fields. Various ruins of civilizations new and old dot the landscape, most of whom fell prey to the corruption of the Midnight Star. It is a key trade channel between the people of the Midlands and the Northern Reaches, though recent politicla developments and the prevalence of the Midnight Horde has introduced great risks in travel to and from the region. Despite the Midnight Horde threat, the people of Arcreach endure with resilience and pride, maintaining vigilant defense against the corrupted forces.     Verdant Vale
Positioned at the center of the Northern Reaches, north of the Sullen Hinterlands, the Vale is the other major entry point into the Northern Reaches. This subregion is dominated by tundra forests and bordered by the Quaritus Plateau to the north and Arcreach to the east. It is comparatively more hospitable when compared to the other northern regions - taverns, villages and towns can be commonly found along the roads. The Kingdom of Ulstedt sits in the southwest, near Lake Sapphire, and is the ruling power of the Verdant Vale. Due to the Kingdom's inclusion in the Izeran Federation, there is a sizeable Izeran presence in the area, which has caused some friction with the locals.     Valley of the Ancients
A massive sub region spanning the entire western side of the Reaches. A mountainous and ill-traveled land, home to the ancient Dwarven Sovereign of the King's Chasm. The region includes isolated villages, steppe landscapes, and protected paths leading to the kingdom. Here, the Dwarves reign supreme over the land, hoarding over the secrets of the old world preserved carefully in ice and tomes. Ruins of forgotten civilizations are scattered, though few save those trusted by the Chasm could reach them. Despite the remoteness of its locales, the Valley is home to multiple rare ethnic and racial groups not commonly found anywhere else. Githyanki Enclaves, Duergar fortresses and Centaur clans are protected from exposure to the rest of the world - hidden amongst the jagged spires of the Valley.
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The Frozen North
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