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Western Jungles

The Western Jungles span the vast western portion of Muria, northwest of the Midlands and south of the Northern Reaches. This dense, elevated region is rich with lakes and rivers that cut through the thick jungle foliage. The terrain varies significantly, with steep cliffs, rolling hills, and towering trees contributing to the area's complex topography. It is perhaps the region that has changed the least from its origins, but is clouded by centuries of old conflicts that have persisted amongst its people.


There are 4 subregions of the Western Jungles:
Ubisunt Highlands
The Ubisunt Highlands encompass the central part of the Western Jungles, dominated by the towering Ubisunt trees and the sacred Ubisunt-Grove Tree. This area is the heartland of the Druids of Ibanah, who maintain the ancient traditions and tend to the forest. The dense canopy and mystical ambiance make it a place of great reverence and mystery. The Highlands are also a sanctuary for many mythical creatures, such as Kirin and Byakko. The druids use the inner rings of the Ubisunt trees to store and pass down their knowledge.   Sekiya
Sekiya, also known as the Hamuran Waterways, stretch across the western portion of the Western Jungles, characterized by numerous rivers, lakes, and waterfalls lined with cherry blossom trees. This region is home to the feudal nation of Hamura, where the Shogunate has ruled since the times of the Xerasian Invasion. The people of Hamura excel in Wind magic and engineering, constructing airships and floating structures from Ubisunt wood. The waterways provide vital resources and transportation routes, and are patrolled by Hamuran samurai. Dragons frequently visit this region, interacting with the Hamuran people who offer them tributes and gifts.   Mount Ibuki
The Oni Territories of Mount Ibuki lie to the north, near the borders of the Northern Reaches. This area is rugged and less densely forested, with rocky outcrops and hidden valleys. It is the stronghold of the Oni, who are Yugoloths now inhabiting the Western Jungles. These creatures often act as bandits, exploiting the conflict between Hamura and the Druids of Ibanah. The region is dangerous and lawless, with many secret hideouts and treacherous paths.   Ostell Foothills
The Ostell Foothills are located in the southeastern part of the Western Jungles, near the border with the Midlands. This area features hilltops and ancient ruins, where the fledgling settlement of Ostell was established. Ostell is an important stronghold to the rest of Muria, as it is the only territory within this region that partly belongs to Izera. The Ostell Apparatum, a great telescope built with the help of Crystallis and Stonehall, is the centerpiece of this region. The foothills are a place of research and discovery, attracting scholars and astrologers. The proximity to the Midlands makes it a strategic location for trade and communication, however the conflict between the Hamurans and the Druids of Ibanah have spilled into these territories.
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