Green Fox Chapter 19

Birdsong filled the night shrouded forest as a gentle wind blew from the south, warming the small party as they trudged along the road. Lamplight reflected off the lower branches, forming a tunnel. They were all beyond exhausted, but the promise of a warm bed drew them on. Cosi walked alone and to the side, letting the wet grass brush against his knees. The dwarven valley reminded him of his own, and he wished he could turn around and go home.

Eva watched him from her spot beside the cart, one hand resting on the smaller pony’s back. She hadn’t let him stray from her sight since leaving the mine and wasn’t about to lose him now.   “They know the route well, don’t they?” Turr said to Famor as they walked ahead of the group. The ponies pulled the cart without complaint. “They’re magnificent animals. My ma always said if you want to know a man, look at how he treats his animals.”   “They were born in the Mogar and bred for the cold,” Famor said. The Magic lamp swayed from a hook on their cart, casting shifting shadows on the path while illuminating the backs of their two ponies. Now that they were safe inside The Dwarven Kingdom, Famor set a slower pace, aware that the Farans were ready to drop from exhaustion. “We swap them out every time we come to Riven, letting them spend time in the fields. Life in a cave isn’t much fun for a pony.”      
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