Green Fox Chapter 24

Cosi awoke nestled in a pile of warm blankets. From somewhere beyond his stone-walled room echoed the joyful laughter of children at play. A smile touched his lips at the joyful sounds. As he reached for his shirt, the hazy memories of fire and chaos flooded back, making his heart race.

A thin sliver of daylight peeked under the heavy door. Out in the passage, he could hear the patter of small feet scampering past. Unsure how long he’d slept, Cosi gingerly slid from the bed, only to stub his toe painfully on the dark floor. Wincing, he sat back down to rub his throbbing foot.  Liandra, help me walk the righteous path. Show me the way that I may follow it,” he whispered into the stillness. His voice sounded oddly muffled in the enclosed space. The stabbing pain slowly ebbed, and Cosi smiled slightly at the minor blessing.   Noticing the rest of his clothes folded at the bedside, he dressed quickly. The woollen socks were a bit on the small side, but someone had thoughtfully altered the shirt to fit his taller Human frame. After donning his boots, Cosi cautiously ventured out into the corridor. To his surprise, he found himself two levels above the central cavern in the dwarven mine. At the curtained entrance, bright sunlight streamed in, beckoning him. Cosi stood for a moment, face upturned, letting the warmth soak in.      
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