Green Fox Chapter 8

“Over there!” Eva shouted, leaping nimbly across the chasm. Her foot slipped on the sodden ground, but she pirouetted gracefully to land atop a mossy boulder.

Cosi’s heart lurched every time, though she always made the landing. The steady rain continued, turning the lush valley muddy. Dark clouds loomed above, threatening further downpours. “If you fall, I’ll have to climb all the way down to get you.”   It had been a long, wearying night of howling wind and incessant rain. After another tense spat with Dren, Cosi had stormed out to do his morning chores, only to find the goat pen still empty. The pair always returned to the pen overnight and never strayed far. For them not to have come home, they must have got lost or worse. Rather than face Dren’s scolding, Cosi had grabbed Eva to help him search the misty woods.   “Elves don’t fall.” Eva scampered nimbly ahead through the trees. Over the course of the morning, she’d explored twice as much ground as Cosi despite his longer strides. “Look, a goat foot.”   “Hoof, goats have hooves,” Cosi said as he clambered over a fallen tree trunk and hurried over to investigate. He moved aside a leaf partially covering the print and tried to imagine if he could have spotted it from all the way across the woods. With the dark clouds, rain, and limited visibility, it was challenging to see more than a dozen yards into the hazy forest ahead. “How’d you spot from so far away?”      
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