Green Fox Chapter 12

They proceeded cautiously through the dark, with Wulka guiding them back to the path whenever they strayed. As the eastern sky lightened, leaves and roots emerged from the gloom. The trail rose steadily until they were above the valley floor and nearing the cliff. Through gaps in the trees, they could see the distant snow-capped peaks, glistening in the dawn light, while to the north another wave of ominous clouds rolled in.

“See that hooked peak? The glacier begins just below and Master Smoo’s mine is just below that. It’s not that hard a walk, but you have to keep up a good pace or you risk getting caught outside at night.” Cosi pointed south, where a golden halo surrounded the snow-covered summit. It looked as though liquid gold had been poured over the rugged stone, cascading down its sides.   Eva scratched her head and yawned. “How long will it take to get there?”   “We usually leave at dawn, but we should reach it by nightfall. Dren used to take me there when he delivered timber for the mine.” It had been almost a year since Cosi’s last visit to see Famor and he’d been planning on going soon, just not in such a rush.   “The empire’s beyond the rock, sandwiched between the sand and the sea. That’s what the hairy trader told me in Arshen,” Eva said as they continued up the steep path, switching back and forth as it ascended the cliff. “That’s where I want to go, to the biggest city there is. Did you know there are so many buildings that you couldn’t fit them all into this valley? There are Dwarves, humans, and elves there. It would be nice to be among elves again.”   “I imagine it will. Do you think you’ll ever come back?”   “I don’t know. Marion thinks I shouldn’t go. She wants me to live with you, Gran, and Dren.”      
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