Green Fox Chapter 11

Cosi and Eva walked alongside Boden, their boots sinking into the muddy forest trail. Though the storm had passed, an eerie calm lingered, broken only by the sporadic patter of lingering raindrops. Faint moonlight filtered down through the swaying canopy above, dancing over the shadowy earth. A chill wind whispered through the ancient trees.

“Did you know my mother?” Cosi said after holding in the question for the last mile. So much had been said about her lately that he wasn’t sure what was truth or fabrication anymore.   Boden walked on silently for a time, carefully gathering his thoughts before he gave his answer. Just as Cosi began repeating the question, the priest responded slowly. “I never met her, but I knew your father briefly. He loved her deeply. As Elise still does.”   “Is she alive? Dren and Old Bill had a plan to bring her to the valley.”   At this, Boden visibly tensed, his gnarled hands tightening on the lantern. In its flickering glow, eerie shadows danced over Eva’s back as she skipped ahead of them into the dark woods.   “You have to be honest with me.” Cosi steeled himself, aware that he might not like what he was about to hear. “Gran and Dren have lied to me for so many years, but you never have. Please, tell me the truth.”   With a reluctant nod, Boden motioned for them to keep walking. “First know it was never planned. We all reacted as best we could. Leon and I were freeing Neff and the others from the dungeon when I first heard your cries. Dren had you hidden beneath his cloak, but babies rarely stay quiet for long. It all happened so quickly. Leon and Sam dealt with the guards while I opened the cells.”      
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